Childcare Worker

South Asia

The Position

Are you humble, flexible and passionate about working with children? Have you ever wanted to serve in a support role for missionaries or live in a multicultural city overseas?

Our young and growing team is in need of childcare for its many missionary kids! Due to our restricted access location, finding trustworthy in-home childcare can be a challenge for many families, especially in the early stages of adjusting to a new culture and being in the thick of full-time language study.

Ideally, this would be a 6-9 month term and childcare workers would be ready and willing to support the team in a variety of childcare needs. Daily tasks will vary depending on each family and the team as a whole, however, most days would involve roughly 4-8 hours of supervising, playing with and caring for our children. This will allow moms and dads to focus on language study, team meetings and events or simply have a date night to maintain healthy marriages on the field.

Must be 18 years old or older. Must be willing to undergo all child safety and security trainings for both ABWE and our field. Must have met CPR & First Aid certifications within the last 2 years. Must have experience working with children and be able to provide references. Additional readings or virtual workshops related to Missionary Kids/Third Culture Kids will also likely be required prior to serving.

Special note…our team is also willing to consider groups of 2 who want to live and serve together. (Ie. Two single friends, a married couple, mother and daughter, etc)

The Need

We serve in an urban multicultural and multi-religious city. Our focus is a Muslim people group who are under Shariah Law and do not have access to the gospel and cannot attend any above ground church. There is a sizable number of national Christians in the country, however, due to a variety of racial, social and economic factors, they largely are afraid or unwilling to reach out to their Muslim neighbors and colleagues. Warm, but skeptical, our target people group requires patient, long term evangelists in their lives who are willing to take the time to know them and look for opportunities to share the hope of the Gospel

The Impact

Visas and platforms may vary on our team, but our hearts are unified by one driving goal – to make Christ known to those who have no access and to equip and encourage national believers to do the same. In the future, our team expects to spread into multiple teams throughout the country and provide a gospel light to urban, suburban and rural regions.

Ministry Focuses

Not sure if you are a perfect fit?

You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.