Portugal | ESL Trip


June 14- June 22, 2025

Team Members Needed
Cost: TBD

More information to come!

Meet Your Team Leader

Dr. Michael Pasquale serves as professor of linguistics, director of humanities, and director of Logos Center at Cornerstone University. His current role builds on more than 20 years of demonstrated campus-wide leadership and career service, including his work as chair of the Humanities Division, professor of linguistics, special assistant to the academic vice president, founding director of the Master of Arts in TESOL program, founding director of the Logos Center and director of CU’s ESL Conference.

Dr. Pasquale holds two graduate degrees in linguistics from Michigan State University. In 2001, he completed requirements for his Doctor of Philosophy in linguistics with a dissertation titled “Quechua and Spanish Language Contact: Influence on the Quechua Phonological System.” He also earned a bachelor’s degree in international studies and TESOL from Cedarville University.

Dr. Pasquale’s passions for the Christian liberal arts and equipping students as active participants in Cornerstone’s Christ-centered learning community have shaped his award-winning career in higher education. He received the Cornerstone University Provost’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2007 and the Earl W. Stevick Award from the Christian English Language Educators Association in 2019. In May 2017, Pasquale became the first CU faculty member to receive a Fulbright grant and conducted research and faculty development at the Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo in Lima, Peru.

In addition to his academic appointment at Cornerstone, Dr. Pasquale serves as a peer reviewer for the Fulbright Specialist Program and on the editorial review board of the International Journal for Christianity and English Language Teaching. He also offers consulting in linguistics and TESOL for mission organizations and local churches, providing training in Europe, Asia, South America and North America. From March 2016 to October 2022, he worked as a TESOL consultant with the Detroit Tigers Baseball Club, uniting his baseball hobby as a fan of the Michigan-based team with his academic career.

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