God Did Amazing Things in 2024

 “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 ESV

I am continually amazed at how God is building his church through ABWE missionaries around the world. It is a great pleasure to visit many of our missionaries and see the unique ways that the gospel is expanding and Christ’s church is prevailing amid dark places.

This past year was an incredible year of ministry and we are so grateful to God for his provision and blessing. Here are a few ways we’ve seen God work this year: 

  • Through hurricane relief efforts here in the States to draw the lost to himself.  
  • Medical evangelism in places like Ukraine, West Africa, South Asia, and the Pacific lead to people placing their faith in Jesus and finding hope in desperate circumstances.  
  • We joyfully celebrated 50 years of faithful ministry with our brothers and sisters in Togo.  
  • New mission fields open this past year, including places where little gospel light exists.  
  • Over 450 people attended our 24-Hour Demo events to see how they can take the next step in missions, 
  • More than 70 new missionaries gave their lives to the work of the gospel around the world. 

God’s sovereign plan to draw the nations to himself will succeed. It’s an honor to be used by God to accomplish his kingdom purposes. God also uses his people, like you, through your faithful prayers, sacrificial giving, and unwavering support of those that are sent to the nations.

Continue to hold the ropes for those bringing the good news. Time is short, eternity matters. Thank you for supporting ABWE.

Grateful for you,

Paul and Martha Davis
ABWE President