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Your free resource will arrive in your inbox shortly. Before you go, would you consider something? 

We truly do believe that God’s purpose and desire for history is to draw all the nations to himself. Do you agree?  

With more than two billion people in the world who haven’t heard the name of Jesus, the work to reach the lost in the world and disciple the nations is far from finished. We need your help to continue this vital gospel work.  

Will you give a gift today to help mobilize and support our missionaries who have answered the call to reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ?  

Your gift of any amount to our Global Gospel Fund enables us to provide our global family of 1,000 missionaries with vital support, training, and resources as they meet the spiritual and physical needs of more than 80 nations in Jesus’ name.

As you study and savor God’s heart for the world in Scripture, don’t let this be just another devotional. Prayerfully consider if the Lord would lead you to support the work of world evangelism, discipleship, and church planting through the Global Gospel Fund. 

You can use the secure form below to make your gift now. Thank you so much for your desire to spread the good news and help others grow in their faith.