Rescued From Darkness and Addiction
Dear Friend,
In tumultuous days like these, I am comforted that God is our “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 26:1)—and I pray you are too.
But for the more than two billion people who have never heard the gospel, there is often no source of such comfort or hope.
This was true for Edoh*—until God rewrote his story.
A 20-year-old Muslim from an unreached, semi-nomadic people group in northern Togo, Edoh attempted to medicate his struggles with drugs and alcohol. When the addictions became unmanageable, he and his mother visited the at ABWE’s Hospital of Hope and openly discussed his issues with a missionary healthcare worker. Sensing Edoh’s deeper needs, the missionary invited a team of hospital chaplains to share the gospel with him in his native language.
The chaplains were astonished to discover that Edoh had already heard the biblical account of Jesus. Edoh explained that two years prior, one of his friends in the village had received medical care at Hospital of Hope and was given as audio Bible—to which the two men had been listening together. Now, Edoh was ready to receive the hope of the gospel and surrender his life to Christ.
Meanwhile, the young man’s mother, sitting outside the clinic room rejoiced when she heard her son’s commitment to a new life. She thanked the hospital staff profusely for the care they had shown Edoh: “I already lost my husband, and I was afraid I was losing my son too.” Although not yet a believer herself, she invited the workers to visit them in the village, opening the door for further gospel witness.
Every day, nearly 1,000 ABWE missionaries are daily bringing the saving, transforming message of Christ to the unreached and hurting. Not only is the gospel proclaimed through missionaries of healthcare, mercy ministry, business as mission, community development, and more—but ABWE teammates also disciple new believers, establish them in healthy local churches, and equip them as leaders who can continue the work of the harvest. But they cannot do it alone.
To keep effectively preaching Christ to the lost and dying, missionaries need vital support—training, member care, and help mobilizing new teammates. The ongoing work of evangelism needs the support of the whole body of Christ.
This year, we’ve set a goal to help send 75 new missionaries to the nations in addition to our 1,000 workers serving across the world.
Through your partnership in the Global Gospel Fund, together we can equip and sustain these faithful gospel missionaries—and send new workers into the harvest. This summer, we invite you to join us with a monthly recurring gift of $75 that, over the course of a year, impacts every missionary on the field.
Thank you for prayerfully considering a one-time or monthly gift of $75 to help us advance the gospel. May the Lord richly bless you.
Paul L. Davis
*Name changed for security.