Send Sunday: Mobilize Your Church for Global Missions

Many churches support missions financially, but few think of themselves as sending centers—the frontline hubs that God uses to call and equip missionaries. Send Sunday (June 8, 2025) equips your church to inspire, pray, and take practical next steps in sending gospel workers to the nations.

Why Send Sunday?

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers” (Luke 10:2). Most Christians know about missions, but not all understand the church’s role in sending. Send Sunday helps your church take ownership of that role by:

  • Preaching and teaching the biblical call to send missionaries.
  • Providing clear, practical next steps for individuals to pray, give, or even go.
  • Strengthening your church’s partnership with mission agencies.
  • Uniting your congregation in prayer for unreached people groups.

What’s Included?

When you sign up, you’ll receive a free Send Sunday Resource Kit with:

  • A worship service guide to help pastors plan a meaningful service focused on missions.
  • Digital graphics for promoting Send Sunday in your church.
  • Bulletin inserts and handouts for the congregation.
  • A prayer guide for individuals and small groups.
  • Videos that highlight how churches can send their members.
  • Simply let us know where to email the downloads and we will send them right away.

    Thank you for partnering with us for the gospel.