Recommended Vaccinations for International Missionaries
ABWE Standard List of Vaccinations
- Age at which to receive vaccinations and schedule are determined by the American Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Pediatrics in consultation with primary care physician and ABWE Medical Director.
- Medical exemptions to specific recommended vaccines may be given by the ABWE Medical Director upon evaluation of medical documentation of the adverse effect experienced by the individual.
- This list is maintained by the Medical Director according to the U.S. standard of care and may change occasionally as new medical data becomes available.
- Signing the ABWE waiver reflects an individual’s desire to decline specific vaccines on the Strongly Recommended Vaccination List.
Strongly Recommended Vaccination List
(A vaccine-specific medical exemption or ABWE waiver is required to decline a vaccine)
- Hepatitis A and B
- Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP, Tdap, or Td booster as adult)
- Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
- Meningitis (MenACWY)
- Polio
- Country-specific vaccinations
Additional Suggested Vaccines
(No medical exemption or ABWE waiver is required for medical clearance)
- Influenza (flu shot)
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- Rotavirus
- Hemophilus influenza B (Hib)
- Varicella (chicken pox)
- Shingles (RZV or ZVL)
- Pneumonia (PCV13, PPCV23)
- COVID-19