Christ Sent Us to Disciple the Nations.
You have a role in global missions. See why.
Learn About Our Mission
Christ sent us to disciple the nations (Matt. 28:19). Yet 1/3 of humanity has yet to hear. We exist to proclaim Christ among every people.
Support Missionaries
God calls us to support missions (3 John 6). By supporting missionaries and their ministries, you’re advancing the gospel among the lost and the unreached.
Serve in Global Missions
Is God leading you to the nations? Working with the church, we’ll help you find your role in the Great Commission.
Latest Posts
4 Ways for Ministry Couples to Build Toughness
No one enters marriage with all the fortitude they need to endure ministry challenges.
What Tired Men Teach Us About Missions
To truly accomplish the Great Commission, many types of global workers are needed to build the church of God around the world.
Merciful Justice
Habukkuk’s prayer provides a helpful example of appealing to God in accordance with his attributes.
24-hour Demo
Your Journey to Missions Begins One Step at a Time
Visit our International Headquarters and spend a weekend prayerfully discerning your role in the global harvest.