Are You Called to Become a Missionary?
We come alongside you to prepare, equip, send, and support you to plant churches and bring the good news of Christ to every people on earth.
Who We Are
ABWE is formed by more than 400 like-minded churches joining together to send and support the work of mission across the globe. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people group.
ABWE GO helps teammates match their Great Commission calling with overseas mission opportunities to reach the lost for Christ by multiplying leaders, churches, and missions movements among every people. We engage in frontline work by studying the language and culture of the people group, partnering with national leaders, utilizing holistic ministry strategies, prioritizing gospel-centered discipleship, and planting churches that both reproduce and send laborers into the Lord’s global harvest.
What We Do
ABWE GO serves your passion for global missions in numerous ways, from accounting and construction to church planting and theological education. Explore our ministry focuses to find where your skills, experience and gifts intersect with God’s redemptive plan to meet the real needs of real people.

How can you use your gifts?
Find where your skills, experience and gifts intersect with God’s redemptive plan to meet the real needs of real people.

Where will you serve?
Let us connect your passion and skills with the work of the Great Commission around the world.

How will you serve?
Whether you are looking for a one-week missions trip or a career in long-term missions, we have a place for you.

From the local church.
To the nations.
For the Great Commission.
What People Are Saying
“God has always been faithful to provide for us and guided our steps. It’s exciting to be part of the ABWE GO team that is reaching out across the globe so that others may hear and know who Jesus Christ is.”
J and J, workers in Portugal
“Through ABWE GO and God opening doors we are now sharing the good news and encouraging Christians through discipleship in the Mongolian rural areas. We go on trips to visit little towns, herders and nomadic people with education and social programs, and also share the Good News.”
D and E, workers in Mongolia
“God has used ABWE GO to keep me encouraged. As an unmarried missionary, I could feel alone, but instead I have a close network of other ABWE GO missionary friends all over the globe. There is always someone to video chat with when I need prayer and visit when I need a break. And, as a recruiter of students and interns, God continues to use ABWE GO to help me open doors for young people to serve him here in Berlin and throughout my region of Western Europe.”
Kristi, worker in Germany

Where Are You Willing to Go for the Sake of the Gospel?
Wherever you are right now, whatever experience you have, we believe God can use you. At ABWE GO, we want to help you connect your passions and talents with our global ministry opportunities. Whether it’s church planting, accounting, nursing, teaching, plumbing, or something else entirely, God can use your greatest passions to meet the world’s greatest needs.