In the first installment of a two-part episode on Cloud of Witnesses, ABWE missionaries Bill and Debbie Tobias unfold their three-decade-long mission journey in Papua New Guinea. The narrative chronicles their initial season of uncertainty followed by God’s leading to to Papua New Guinea, where they invested their energies in Goroka Baptist Bible College and, eventually, ministry in the Simbai region. Listen now to hear how Bill and Debbie displayed faith in the midst of their trials, driven by their love for the lost.
Cloud of Witnesses is a production of ABWE. ABWE is a global family of ministries sharing Christ, planting churches, and training Christian leaders in more than 80 countries. After nearly 100 years, ABWE is continuing to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. You can help us advance the kingdom for the next 100 years and beyond by supporting the mission through the Global Gospel Fund. Learn more at