The Spiritual Need in Ghana
Ghana sits on West Africa’s coastline along the Gulf of Guinea, bordered by the Ivory Coast and Togo to the west and east and Burkina Faso to the north. The country has diverse geography, people groups, and languages—with English as the common language, and more than 11 others with state recognition.
A large percentage of Ghana’s 30 million people are nominally Christian (more than 70% as of the last census), and 28% consider themselves evangelical believers. Amidst much honest missionary activity in the country for two centuries, prosperity gospel teachers have also gained influence, and numerous indigenous cults have arisen with distinct appeal and just enough truth to create confusion and syncretism. Discipleship and leadership development are needed in order to support local churches and their growth in Ghana.
Share The Gospel In Ghana
ABWE first began work in Ghana with a goal to reach unchurched Ghanaians in the Volta Region with the gospel and then to expand evangelism efforts to other parts of the country. As we help existing churches become healthy through theological education, discipleship, pastoral training, and leadership development, we desire to see church-planting efforts within the local church soon follow.
As churches of the Volta Region begin reproducing, ABWE wants to reach out to Ghana’s unreached people groups in its eight other regions. Lake Volta provides a vital venue for aviation evangelism in remote areas.
New team members can be part of establishing a biblical foundation for the next generation of believers, the growth of nationally-led churches, and church planting in Ghana.
Will you join us in this important work?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Baptist Academy of Theology in Africa
The Baptist Academy of Theology or (BATA Bible Campus) is located in the village of Sodoke Lokoe a suburb of the town of Ho. The BATA currently has one classroom/admin building, two missionary houses, and one dorm. The campus primarily serves the Ewe people group in Ghana’s Volta Region.…
Ghana Ministry
Ongoing church planting and discipleship ministry in HO, Volta Region of Ghana.…