Facility Maintenance Personnel

The Position

ABWE Construction Facility Maintenance Personnel will use their expertise and skills to assure buildings and campuses continue to operate efficiently and up to standard. Some locations also offer the opportunity to work with and oversee nationals who are hired to assist in maintaining the facility.

Current opportunities exist in:

  • The Balkans – A school that offers an English education utilizing a teamwork and leadership development style for children in grades 1 through 12.
  • Tsiko, South Togo – Hospitale Baptiste Biblique (HBB) – A full service medical center meeting physical needs to open the door to addressing spiritual needs.
  • Mango, North Togo – Hospital of Hope (HOH) – A full service medical center meeting physical needs to open the door to addressing spiritual needs.
  • South Asia – A large full service hospital and campus providing medical and spiritual care.

The Impact

The work of carrying God’s message to the nations is much larger than any one person. Ministry facilities are established at key locations as launch pads for team members to show God’s love and to share God’s message. In order for these team members to have vibrant and effective ministries, they need individuals with the heart to serve and the skills to maintain these facilities. In addition, facility maintenance personnel often have unique opportunities to minister in ways other team members cannot. Using your skills in maintenance allows an entire team to be more effective in their ministries. To date, there are hundreds of buildings in use all over the world. By offering your skills you will be joining a team with the explicit goal of carrying out the Great Commission to the uttermost parts of the world.  Will you help to maintain just one of them so they may continue to be used for his glory?

Ministry Focuses

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