Episode 4: Getting to the Heart of It
What is in Irreconcilable Difference?
What’s up, can’t be down. What’s light can’t be dark. In a world that tries to erase absolute truth, the demands of a holy God do not change. In this final episode, Harry shares the main point of the Heart, Mind and Soul: Muslim Seminar as we look to build relationships that can bear the weight of truth with our Muslim friends and acquaintances.
Think About These Questions:
- What is an irreconcilable difference?
- Why can’t Muslims continue in their belief system and come into a relationship with a holy God?
- How do we create understanding between our Muslim friends and invite them to share their thoughts and beliefs with us in a relationship that bears the weight of truth?
- Following God’s commandments in the Bible, how should we take next steps with our Muslim friends and acquaintances? Why do we do this?
Reflect on This Verse:
John 17:16-18 (ESV) They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.
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Heart, Mind and Soul: Islam is an interactive seminar that are designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving Muslims within their community. Throughout the seminar, we take the believer on a journey that guides them towards loving and engaging the unbelieving individual in a biblically, culturally, and actionably appropriate manner.