Brand Assets and Guidelines


Launch Point utilizes the core blue and orange color scheme. Yellow or pink may be used as an accent but never as a primary color in the design.

Copy Guidelines

Launch Point uses the Montserrat and Merriweather fonts. Both can be downloaded for free from Google Fonts.

  • Body: Montserrat Regular 9 pt
    • Tracking: 0-10
    • Leading: 14
    • Kerning: Metric
  • Headlines: Merriweather Bold (-10 tracking)
  • Call Out: Montserrat all caps or Merriweather Regular
  • Launch Point should always be two words, sentence case in body copy.

Logo Guidelines

  • The Launch Point logo may appear in charcoal, black, white, or two-tone blue. 

Color Guidelines

Launch Point primarily utilizes the ABWE core blue and orange color scheme, along with ample amounts of white space.


CMYK 95/72/15/68
RGB 0/29/68
HEX 001D44


CMYK 100/72/27/12
RGB 0/78/125
HEX 004E7D

Light Blue

CMYK 30/5/0/0
RGB 172/214/242


CMYK 8/46/98/0
RGB 231/151/39
HEX E69627


CMYK 1/11/72/0
RGB 255/220/102


CMYK 10/90/50/0
RGB 219/64/97
HEX DA4061

Color Palette

Launch Point primarily utilizes the ABWE core blue and orange color scheme, along with ample amounts of white space.

Additional Shades

Launch Point primarily utilizes the ABWE core blue and orange color scheme, along with ample amounts of white space.

Business Cards

  • Headline is Montserrat Regular 12pt/13 in ABWE blue 
  • Text is Montserrat Regular 7pt/9 in ABWE blue 

Promotional Materials

Logo placement is consistently kept in the upper right corner of the material.

Brand Guide

Download our official Launch Point brand guide using the button below. For more information, contact