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To the Ends of the Earth
Volume 72, Issue 4 (2024) ABWE missionaries press boldly into the farthest reaches of the globe. In this issue, discover how they’re bringing the gospel to isolated indigenous groups and offering hope to devastated communities—and meet the newest workers sent out to the ends of the earth.
50 Years in Togo: A Retrospective
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2024) Decades of faithful ministry are reaping a bountiful spiritual harvest. Join us in celebrating half a century of evangelism, church planting, and mercy ministries in Togo—and the fruitful ministry of ABWE missionaries serving across the globe and within the US.
Post-Christian? Missions in the Shadow of Christendom
Volume 72, Issue 2 (2024) The light of Christ still transforms lives, even in places where the gospel once shone far more brightly. Explore the unique challenges and triumphs of missionaries in the post-Christian West as they share the light from bustling urban centers to remote villages.
Transformed: Lives Changed Across the Globe
Volume 72, Issue 1 (2024) God is at work saving lost sinners from among all the nations—rescuing them from sin, darkness, and superstition. Witness firsthand the transformative effects of faithful gospel ministry at the hands of ABWE workers sent out by the body of Christ.
The Mission Continues
Volume 71, Issue 3 (2023) Across the world, Christ’s mission continues, as church plants thrive in Latin America and a whole crop of new missionaries are sent out into the harvest among the nations.
‘Come Over and Help Us’
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2023) Fields are fertile for gospel witness. In this issue, discover how missionaries are creatively meeting deep physical and spiritual needs around the globe—and hear their call for fellow believers to join the harvest.
‘I Will Build My Church’
Volume 71, Issue 1 (2023) Christ is advancing his church throughout the globe. In this ecclesiology issue, see how local churches boldly and compassionately fulfill their mission, in unreached tribal villages and the post-Christian West.
Wonderfully Made
Volume 70, Pro-Life Issue (2022) As Christians, we often focus on what we can do for the pro-life movement in the US. But what about the at-risk mothers and unborn around the world? In this issue, read about four brave women who received healing and redemption through ABWE pregnancy centers.
Hardship & Harvest: New Missionaries in a Changing World
Volume 70, Issue 2 (2022) The gospel is transforming lives, even in the darkest regions on earth. In this issue, discover stories of faithful believers from Afghanistan, Ukraine, and across the world—and hear from our newest missionaries.
Ukraine Through Missionary Eyes
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2022) Even in the chaos of this world, the gospel will prevail. In this issue, see how ABWE missionaries are being faithful—and fruitful—amid crisis, loss, and war.
Sent: Introducing Our Newest Missionaries
Volume 69, Issue 2 (2021) While the world has felt chaotic and disjointed, the Lord has been at work. In this issue, read the stories of over 25 newly appointed missionaries and discover a heart of the lost and the unreached.
One Body
Volume 69, Issue 1 (2021) The Body of Christ is designed to work and function as a team, especially in missions. In this issue, discover how our teams are healing a nation through a variety of ministries like Hôpital Baptiste Biblique, which has been serving the Togolese for nearly 40 years.
2020 Candidate Issue
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2020) Meet the next class of missionaries going to the field. Also, read the journey of one national who once hated Christians and now leads a sweeping church movement in Peru.
Christ in the Crisis
Volume 68, Issue 2 (2020) As the world plunges into a global pandemic, it’s an opportune time to reflect on God’s sovereignty and omnipotence. In this issue, explore how God was present during some of ABWE’s most turbulent storms, working all things out for our good and his glory.
All Things to All Men
Volume 68, Issue 1 (2020) The Great Commission is too big of a task to accomplish alone. In this issue, discover the different ministry ways ABWE is reaching the nations.
To the Ends of Earth
Volume 67, Issue 3 (2019) In this issue, meet the wave of new missionaries who have answered the call to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Also, learn how the our missionaries showed eternally impacted a young boy, a refugee, and a prisoner.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2019) Missions isn’t easy. And it’s especially difficult in places hostile toward Christianity. As a result, some of our missionaries must come up with creative ways to share the gospel in dangerous contexts.
Building a Legacy
Volume 67, Issue 1 (2019) ABWE’s Project Office has been serving the mission for 25 years, organizing and conducting construction projects around the world. Take a closer look at some of its current and past projects. Also, discover what the team is doing while awaiting renovation at ABWE’s Memorial Christian Hospital.
2018 New Missionaries
Volume 66, Issue 3 (2018) In this issue, discover how the Global Gospel Fund is launching missionaries and missions movements around the world. Also, learn more about the latest class of ABWE missionaries who have answered the call to go.
Women in Missions
Volume 66, Issue 2 (2018) From Lucy Peabody founding ABWE in 1927, to entire mission fields staffed solely by faithful, long-term, female missionaries, ABWE is well-served by hundreds of prayerful, passionate women who minister as doctors, teachers, evangelists, nurses, mobilizers, accountants, administrators, and in many other roles around the world. Also read how God used loss and grief to strengthen a family’s faith.
Save Me
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2018) The church is called to reach the nations, but believers must be equipped to take on this task. Good Soil is a ministry that trains church leaders and members to evangelize biblically and effectively. Also, read how our hospital is offering physical and spiritual healing to persecuted refugees.
Set Free
Volume 65, Issue 1 (2017) This issue highlights the suffering of many women in Asia who have been enslaved through human and sex trafficking. Yet, like the Israelites, God continues to hear the cries of His people, and makes a way where, by human understanding, there is no way.
Game Changer
Volume 64, Issue 2 (2016) See how ABWE Missionary David Carrel is using an American sport to reach the people of northeast Brazil. Also read how refugee crises provide profound inroads for the gospel.
Volume 64, Issue 1 (2016) Across the globe, people with disabilities face increased levels of discrimination and decreased levels of education and employment, but our missionaries have seized this as an opportunity to share Christ’s love. From a ministry to disabled refugees who have fled the war in eastern Ukraine to a school for disabled children in South Africa, God is revealing His love in amazingly beautiful ways.
Catching the Vision
Volume 63, Issue 4 (2015) At ABWE, we talk a lot about starting “missions movements.” It’s a big idea but it’s actually quite simple; we want to empower believers around the world to pick up the torch of missions and join us in crossing cultures to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. We do this by planting missions-minded churches, training leaders, and inspiring them to go out and do the same. This Christmas issue highlights the journey of a new missions movements that is coming out of Brazil after more than 60 years of ABWE’s missionaries working to equip and empower local believers.
The Doctor Is In
Volume 63, Issue 2 (2015) Eleven years ago, ABWE’s Togo team felt called to bring a high-quality, gospel-centered hospital to the northern part of the country, but all they had was a plot of dusty land and faith. That was all they needed. God motivated 1,400 people to give $6 million during one of the United States’ deepest recessions. He also brought more than 550 Americans halfway around the world to labor alongside the Togolese, and together, they transformed a barren field into a modern medical facility. This issue celebrates the grand opening the Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo and the many ways God uses ordinary people to do miraculous things in order to make the impossible, possible.
Missions on the Frontline
Volume 63, Issue 1 (2015) This issue looks at the tense conflict occurring between Ukraine and pro-Russian forces and how God is using the war to open hearts to His love. Through the aid of ABWE’s Ukraine Crisis Fund, ABWE missionaries and partnering churches are ministering to the needs of those trapped in the conflict zone, as well as refugee families and orphans who have fled the region.
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