Israel and Middle East Compassion Fund

Israel is currently facing a challenging situation that has resulted in significant displacement and hardship for many of its residents, both Jews and Arabs. With numerous villages along its borders having to evacuate, countless families find themselves without work, and children are unable to attend school. The road ahead seems uncertain.

Through local churches and our dedicated national partners, ABWE seeks to provide immediate relief to these affected communities. Our efforts include not just addressing the urgent need for food, housing, and supplies, but also bringing the message of hope and peace found in the gospel of Jesus, the true Messiah.

Gifts to this fund support not only mercy ministry and evangelistic outreach in Israel, but they also empower the ABWE Middle East team to respond to various crises throughout the region. Your generous contribution aids in spreading the enduring hope and love of Christ to those in dire need, wherever they may be in the Middle East.

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