
Heart, Mind, & Soul Seminar (Muslims)

When: Occurs continuously
Who: Everyone

Learn How to Share Christ With Muslims

The Heart, Mind & Soul – Muslim seminar is an interactive seminar that are designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving Muslims within their community. Throughout the seminar, we take the believer on a journey that guides them towards loving and engaging the unbelieving individual in a biblically, culturally, and actionably-appropriate manner.

The seminar sheds light on some common misconceptions between Muslims and Christians, which helps you and your church better understand the core beliefs, feelings and values often found in these varying communities. Your church members will come away equipped to build relationships based on both grace and truth with the Muslims in their workplace, neighborhood or family.

Perfect for pastors, outreach leaders, and church members, this 4-6 hour seminar is based on the decades of our cross-cultural ministry experience in Muslim-majority countries.

  • Heart: Explore your own attitude toward Islam and discover what communicates love to a Muslim; Understand Muslims’ attitudes towards westerners, and learn what, exactly, constitutes a Biblical attitude.
  • Mind: Examine the beliefs of Islam — the contrasts and similarities — and how to present the gospel so that Muslims can understand it.
  • Soul: Create an action plan, based on relationships, for what you hope will result in your Muslim neighbors coming to know Christ as Savior.

Because we want to train your church to reach Muslims in your community, Heart, Mind, & Soul Seminar is also hosted your church — so contact us to schedule your seminar today!