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Andrew C.


Symbols of Salvation

A glimmer of pale green light emanating from the dirt road caught Moises’ eye as he walked home under darkening skies. Stooping down, he dusted off a silicone bracelet covered with a series of strange, glow-in-the-dark symbols.“I thought it looked ...

Why Sending Missionaries Isn’t Enough

Off the coast of India, dotting the Bay of Bengal, lay a group of islands considered to be unreached. Burdened for the people living there, national believers in India began praying earnestly for an open door. They knew it would be difficul...

The 2022-2023 New Missionary Class 

As the resurrected Jesus gathered his disciples one last time before ascending to heaven, he charged them with spreading the news of his glorious plan for salvation throughout the earth. The small band of apostles was to multiply into a world-wide congrega...


Sitemap 1 [ABWE | Global Missions Agency for Evangelism and Church Planting] 9marks about abwe annual financial statements abwe ministry family abwego abwes coronavirus response ...

Send Missionaries and Inspire Senders

As a pastor on the Arabian Peninsula, I am both a goer and a sender. I went to the United Christian Church of Dubai (UCCD) in 2005. I’ll never forget the support and love of my sending church (Capitol Hill Baptist Church)—praying and ev...

Why Teammates Matter in Missions

One of the areas of missions that gets little press but is of great importance is teammates. Good teammates are a great grace to church planting teams and are a living testimony to the unreached of what Christian fellowship looks like. Unfo...

Dal and Kay Washer: Missionary Pioneers in Africa

The year was 1972, and ABWE missionaries Dal and Kay Washer were looking for a new ministry. After 18 years of serving in Niger, the Washers had set their sights on the country of Benin. Kay later wrote that “settling down there would be ...

Why Does God Leave Us in This World?

How well do you handle trials? I mean, when things get tough, or when you start to lose control a little bit? When the kids are about to drive you nuts, or when your boss is breathing down your neck about the deadline at work? When you’ve...