Unleashing the Church, for the Nations

Thank you for participating in Send Sunday!

We are grateful for your partnership in sending more workers into the harvest field. Below, you will find various resources for your church as you prepare for the service.

Service Planning Guide

This resource provides a suggested structure for your church’s Send Sunday service, emphasizing missions through biblically grounded worship, preaching, and prayer.


We believe worship planning is a holy process in which the ministers of the church should prayerfully lay their ideas and desires before the Lord. This guide is not meant to replace thoughtful and Spirit-led planning but to serve as a resource. These are suggestions to help you craft a service that fits your church’s unique context and reflects God’s heart for the nations.

Prayer Guide

This prayer guide invites you to join God’s mission to reach the nations through intentional and bold prayer. We’ll pray in ever-widening circles— starting with yourself and your immediate sphere of influence, and expanding to the ends of the earth. Let’s pray bold prayers of faith and surrender that align our hearts with his purposes.

Social Media Kit

These social media templates are engaging and ready-made for easy posting. They will draw your audience into the work of missions around the world and the critical need and opportunity for new workers.

Small Group Discussion Guide

This guide is designed to help small groups reflect on what they experienced during Send Sunday and explore practical ways to live out the Great Commission. Whether your church focused on a specific passage or took a unique approach, this discussion will help participants process key themes and take next steps in missions involvement.

Children’s Lesson

This sample children’s ministry lesson guide is designed to help you engage kids in learning about God’s work among the nations, using the story of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey. 


These video resources can be digitally distributed or shown to an in-person audience. They showcase the global church, highlight ongoing work and need, and help your church engage with the Great Commission.


This resource will provide an easy way to remember to pray for more laborers. It is perfect for a bulletin insert or handout to help your church focus on the advance of the gospel around the world.

Send Offering Instructions

We’re deeply grateful for your church’s participation in the Send Offering, supporting the vital work of our Global Gospel Fund. Our goal is to make your contribution experience as seamless as possible. 

Request a Speaker

Part of pulling off a fruitful, edifying missions Sunday may be inviting the right missionary or mission leader to present their ministry or preach from God’s word concerning his heart for the nations. We offer a simple process of requesting a missionary or other ABWE voice to be a part of your worship service.

Interested in a Sample Resource Kit?

Send us a message to request a free Send Sunday starter kit that includes:

  • 25 prayer booklets
  • A flash drive with a full collection of digital assets (church bulletin, PowerPoint slides, social media graphics, videos, worship service guide, small group guide, and children’s ministry lesson plan.)

When sending a message, include your name, church name, address, phone number and email address.