Administrative Assistant


The Position

Tasks would range from general office work and data entry in the hospital administration. Other duties include scheduling the logistics of travelers and volunteers coming to the hospital.

The Need

Togo is located in West Africa, a geographic area characterized by poor quality-of-life and little access to the gospel. Muslims are the fastest growing religious group in the country and nearly one-in-three Togolese practice some form of animism. The country has seen little evangelical outreach and maintains one of the highest percentages of un-evangelized local religions in all of Africa.

The Impact

God has used the Hospital of Hope to begin an awakening to the gospel among the people in this region. Now known as “the hospital that prays,” many who had never heard of Jesus are being exposed to the gospel because of care received at the hospital. Bible study groups have sprung up in a number of local villages, and individuals are becoming followers of Jesus. Serving at the Hospital of Hope is a tangible way to demonstrate God’s sacrificial love to a hurting world.

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