Evangelism-Focused Missionary

South Asia

The Position

Humble. Teachable. Loves Jesus. Loves others.

These are the first characteristics we mention when people ask what we look for in our teammates. Do these describe you? We are in need of countless numbers of laborers to share the gospel with a people group who has little to no access to it. Visas and platforms will vary on our team, but we all share one core heartbeat – to spread the gospel to those who have not heard and to equip national believers to do the same. A warm, but skeptical people group requires that workers in this position be committed to digging deep relationally while building trust and being ok with not seeing fast fruit. Days in this position will focus heavily at first on language learning and then later, evangelism and a high value of coming alongside existing churches to equip and encourage them. Often evangelism opportunities here come by way of sharing a coffee or meal with a friend, hanging out at a local playground or soccer field or joining a local hobby group. Getting to know people over shared interests commonly develops the depth required to have spiritual conversations

The Need

We serve in a large, multicultural and multi-religious city in South Asia. Our primary focus is on a Muslim people group who are restricted by Shariah Law and are unable to access the gospel or attend an above ground church. There is a sizable portion of the country who are believers, however their ethnic background allows them freedom of religion and they keep to themselves for a variety of racial, economic and social reasons. The result is that churches here are afraid of or unwilling to reach out to Muslim neighbors and colleagues

The Impact

Our team serves with a vision to make Christ known among our Muslim neighbors and friends. We work to plant deep roots in local congregations and help influence national believers to adopt this vision for themselves as well. In both cases (with the unreached and the reached) a great deal of patience, time and trust is required to build relationships strong enough for these changes to occur

Ministry Focuses

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