The Position
What happens when the pace of church planting exceeds the pace of training? What happens when support structures disappear? Syncretism and power abuse.
By God’s grace, churches are being planted in the idyllic PNG bush region of Simbai—more than 20 in the last 30 years. Local pastors are leading the vision, but request onsite mentoring and training to sustain doctrinal purity and evangelistic zeal.
You can serve anywhere from six months to long-term. The main qualifications are to be a mature believer competent in systematic theology, a willing heart to serve, and in good health. Prior experience as a pastor or theological educator is a plus.
You will live in a modern home with electricity generated from solar panels and stored in battery banks. Cell phone coverage is available for email and basic social media.
The Need
The gospel is spreading from village to village and churches are being planted. National pastors have been leading the way, but need support and encouragement to keep the momentum going. Our missionaries help with leadership training, discipleship, counseling and constructing basic church buildings. They also have opportunity to evangelize by teaching the Bible in local public schools.