The Position

East Asia is currently more challenging than in years past, but even with political hurdles, there are still opportunities to serve in-country. These are often in teaching positions at local universities or select international schools. Additionally, creative access job opportunities arise from time to time.
We also seek individuals and families to join our team in reaching East Asian diaspora communities around the world. Whether in East Asia or abroad, there are meaningful ways to make a lasting impact.

The Need

While the need to reach unreached people inside East Asia remains great, there are many Chinese people who live outside of Mainland China who remain unreached. We are targeting several different locations to reach the Chinese people with the Gospel, discipling new believers, and mentoring church leaders. There is a tremendous need for those willing to reach them with the hope of Jesus Christ.

The Impact

As a teammate focused on reaching and discipling unreached people in East Asia or among the East Asia Diaspora, you will get to creatively and practically share the love of Jesus Christ with students and friends. In the schools and neighborhoods, at the markets and in your home, you will engage them with love while providing support for your teammates and partners. Who knows how many lives you can influence by sharing Christ’s message of forgiveness? Please prayerfully consider joining our team.

Not sure if you are a perfect fit?

You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.