North America
Today, while doors to more and more North American churches shut, the doors to cross-cultural evangelism are wide open, without the need to even cross borders.
For over 90 years, ABWE has been training and sending people to share the gospel, develop leaders, and plant churches in more than 84 countries. Currently, people from unreached people groups and remote areas of the world—places ABWE traditionally sends missionaries—are increasingly coming to North America. Many immigrants migrate to the US with the intention of returning to their countries, creating opportunities for the North American church to disciple and commission these ex-pats to take the gospel back home.
The North American church is aptly positioned to reach these diverse people groups with the gospel on its home soil—and ABWE’s EveryEthne program exists to serve and equip the church through a disciple-making movement that multiplies leaders and churches in order to reach every ethnē (the Greek term for nation or people group.)
Not only are we a servant to the church for the purposes of advancing global missions, but also to sustain a healthy North American church, on which those global missions depend. In an exceedingly post-Christian North American society, a massive need exists to reach the unchurched and the cultural Christian. As more local churches are focused on survival, ABWE is committed to standing alongside them to give every person in North America repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.
We do this by focusing on three main areas:
- Church Advancement: Growing the effectiveness and capacity of churches
- Church Mobilization: Creating a “lost-to-leading” culture for disciple making
- Church Multiplication: Collaborating with churches to plant churches for gospel saturation

Ministries in North America include:
- Biblical teaching
- Church planting
- Cross-cultural ministries
- Evangelism and discipleship training
- Leadership development
- Sports ministries
- Student ministries
- Team development
ABWE believes in kingdom partnership with churches, and making missionaries, evangelists, and disciple makers within the body of Christ right here at home. Using a wide range of teaching on topics such as how to share the gospel with Muslims in America, or personal evangelism and discipleship, we endeavor to reach the unreached and make Christ known.
How is God leading you to reach your neighbor?