Search Results for:

D. Elliot


3 Ways to Do Missions From Home

When planes are grounded and stay-at-home orders keep millions isolated, it may seem like missions has been put on hold. How can Christians go and make disciples of all nations when we can’t even leave home? The coronavirus may have shif...

Do ‘Real’ Missionaries Evacuate?

I grew up reading missionary biographies and listening to stories of missionaries who lived and died on their fields of service. Eric Liddell didn’t leave China when the Japanese invaded, and he died in a concentration camp. The five mart...

She Taught Me the Secret of Dying

“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, ‘Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their...

26 Convicting Missions Quotes for Sending Pastors

Local church pastors are indispensable in mobilizing new missionaries. Of those who sense a calling to cross-cultural ministry from an early age, the overwhelming majority have been influenced and driven by church leaders who care about m...

Condemnation or Calling?

Guilt manipulation is a multibillion-dollar industry. Across Western culture, Christians are encouraged to feel shame by everyone from non-profit advocates, community fundraisers, and fitness gurus to cultural commentators, policymakers, an...

7 Planks for Building a Church Missions Vision

For church leaders, engaging in missions is like “eating right”—it’s something we all try to do, know we should be doing better, and rarely executed with any specific plan or strategy. But as with diet, exercise, education, finance,...