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Alex Kocman

Alex Kocman serves as the Director of Communications and Engagement for ABWE. In this capacity, Alex oversees ABWE’s comprehensive communications efforts, serves as General Editor of Message Magazine and the ABWE Blog, and co-hosts The Missions Podcast, ...

Dawkins, Haiti, and Christendom: A Missions News Rundown

Alex and Scott delve into pressing global headlines and explore their implications for the church worldwide. In this episode, we assess the spiritual and societal challenges faced by believers in various regions and how these events shape mission. See full...

3 Reasons Mission Agencies Are Biblical

“I love Jesus, but not organized religion.” Phrases like this show just how small the average person’s view of the church is. But Jesus had a far greater vision: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail agai...

How Does the Hope of Heaven Drive Missions?

The World War II television series Band of Brothers captures a conversation between a steely lieutenant and a fearful private crouched in a foxhole. You hid in that ditch because you think there is still hope. But the only hope you have is to accept th...

Foundations Session 8: What Happens Next?

Foundations Session 8: What Happens Next? What happens at the end of the world? What has God called us to do until then, and what does the local church have to do with it? Tune in for the culmination of our journey through the faith. https://vimeo.c...

Foundations Session 1: Where Do We Begin?

As followers of Christ, we’re called to share our faith. But first we must ask: what do we believe?  This series, featuring Paul Davis, Scott Dunford, Tim Bertolet, and Alex Kocman of ABWE, seeks to address this fundamental question: What do we b...