Send Well With ABWE
Empower your church to confidently send workers into God’s harvest. Here’s how.
Choose Your Pathway:
I Want to…

For Senders:
“I Want to Send a Worker From My Church”
Sending a missionary or church planter from your church is a great step of faith—and a ripe opportunity for the Lord to transform your church. If you’re ready to send a new gospel worker out from your congregation, start with these resources.
Mobilize Your Church on Send Sunday
Is your church a true sending hub for global missions? On Send Sunday (June 8, 2025), equip your congregation to pray, give, and go in obedience to Christ’s Great Commission. With a free Send Sunday Resource Kit, you’ll receive a worship service guide, promotional materials, prayer resources, and more—helping your church take practical steps to send gospel workers to the nations.

Pastors: Do These 6 Things Before You Send a Missionary
Successfully sending missionaries requires intentional preparation and support from pastors and churches.
5 Ways to Become a Missionary Sending Church
Before you plan programs and initiatives, becoming a missionary sending church means building a church culture saturated with the gospel.
7 Planks for Building a Church Missions Vision
For church leaders, missions is like “eating right”—it’s something we all think we try to do, but rarely do on purpose.

For Supporting Churches:
“I Want to Better Serve Workers My Church Supports”
We’re called to “hold the rope” for those who take the plunge into the mission field. To learn how to better sustain and serve those who have gone out for the sake of the gospel, explore here.
Send Them Well: 5 Ways Churches Can Support and Sustain Missionaries
These practical suggestions help churches send out missionaries equipped for success.
How to Hold the Rope: Caring for Missionaries
Ryan Martin shares why sending missionaries from the church is just the beginning.
4 Essential Goals of Caring for Missionaries
The biblical model for missionary care offers a challenge and an outline for sending missionaries in a manner worthy of God.

For All Church Leaders:
“I Want to Help My Church Embrace Missions”
The Great Commission isn’t just the job of the elite but of every Christian. Start here to begin the exciting process of building an evangelistic and missional culture in your local church body.
10 Ways to Develop a Missions Culture in Your Church
We must instill a passion for proclaiming Christ to the nations into the DNA of our churches—and these guidelines will help.
5 Ways to Pray Missionally
When we pray “your kingdom come,” we are praying for nothing less than global gospel revolution.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Missions Committees
We are dependent upon God to bless our efforts. But churches in pursuit of the Great Commission can leave nothing to chance.
Take Action
Helpful Resources and Events
ABWE is committed to partnering with your local church to help you send workers into God’s global harvest. Check out these invaluable resources as you consider how your church might send new workers, support those already on the field, and equip your church to participate in this glorious work.

Send Well Devotional & Resource Guide
A seven-day devotional designed to help your church pray for God’s heart for the nations.

Missionary Care Team: How to Care for Your Missionaries
Learn how your church can provide a support structure for your missionaries.

Sending Church Workshop
An event to help your church navigate the many facents of sending a worker into God’s global harvest.

Sustaining Church Workshop
An event to help your church understand how to best care for your missionaries while they are on the field.

Let’s Start the Conversation!
Hi! I’m Ray Theaker, Director of Partnership Engagement at ABWE. We’d love to coach your church through what it means to send well. Do you have questions, or aren’t sure where to start? Send a message using the button below, and we would be happy to help you through the journey!