United States

The Spiritual Need in the United States
The United States was built on principles of justice, equality and liberty, paving the way for the religious freedom that is experienced today. Known primarily as a Christian nation, 77% of its population of 336 million people consider themselves followers of Christianity. Yet, according to the Hartford Institute of Religious Research, less than 18% of Americans attend church, and less than five percent of churches reproduce or multiply.
In fact, the US is becoming more unchurched—and unreached—at a faster rate than ever before. As the nation becomes an increasingly post-Christian, post-church society, research from the International Mission Board states that of the 502 people groups living in the US, more than 184 of them are considered unreached people groups.
The US has led the world in sending overseas missionaries for decades, but these statistics are reflective of an urgent need here at home—a need that ABWE is committed to meeting.
Church Planting In United States
Since 1927, we’ve been helping churches equip their missionaries for cross-cultural service. Now, we’re also offering our decades of expertise by giving local churches the tools they need to be effective disciple makers, reaching the unreached through church planting in the United States.
Our missionaries partner with local churches throughout the country and use our Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship tools to help church leaders raise up a new generation of Christ followers. By empowering churches through our Heart, Mind, and Soul Seminars, we equip Christians with the confidence to share the love of Jesus with those around them. The EveryEthnē initiative exists to be on mission with North American churches to reach diverse people groups through a disciple-making movement—it is our team’s vision to give every person in the US, from any nation, repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the good news.

The time is ripe for us to come alongside American churches in our pursuit of the Great Commission—helping them reach the people groups in their neighborhoods and training them to make disciples and plant churches. Will you join us?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Assistant Community Church Leader
United StatesThe church-planting team in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania is looking for long-term community group leader to help with their thriving church plant.
Centurion Project Military Area Administrative Specialist
United StatesThe Position We are “Looking for a few good leaders!”…Men and women who have military experience, giftedness in supporting and providing administrative support, and a love for the local church. The Centurion Project exists to network and empower churches around military installations to disciple and support military leaders in their mission and the Great Commission.
Centurion Project Military Area Catalyst
United StatesThe Position We are “Looking for a few good leaders!”… Men and women who have military experience, giftedness in networking and hosting training experiences, and a love for the local church. The Centurion Project exists to network and empower churches around military installations to disciple and support military leaders in their mission and the Great
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
100th Anniversary Celebration
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
ABWE International Worker Fund: Afghan Initiative
After the US withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban quickly took control of the country. This left thousands of people exposed to terrorists, and Christians were in danger. Afghan pastors and ministry leaders were persecuted. Others were forced to flee for their lives. Still others gave their all for Christ because of their faith.…
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
100th Anniversary Celebration
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
ABWE International Worker Fund: Afghan Initiative
After the US withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban quickly took control of the country. This left thousands of people exposed to terrorists, and Christians were in danger. Afghan pastors and ministry leaders were persecuted. Others were forced to flee for their lives. Still others gave their all for Christ because of their faith.…
Africa Pre-Field Retreat
The Africa pre-field retreat is designed to encourage our missionary family as they navigate the challenges of pre-field ministry. This special environment allows them to engage with other pre-fielders, deepen relationships with those in leadership, and provide training specifically related to common issues faced on the field.…
Arabic – Good Soil International Projects
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Beautiful Feet – Short Term Missions Trips
A team will be going to Tarcolès, Costa Rica January 18th-25th, 2025 to renovate the very first Beautiful Feet pregnancy ministry center, which opened in 2013. The cost of the trip is $2200. Thank you for giving to support this team!…
Beautiful Feet – Togo
Beautiful Feet exists to spread the Good News of God’s love by founding, training and equipping pregnancy ministries world-wide. Beautiful Feet International has 19 pregnancy ministries throughout Togo. Beautiful Feet trains churches to use pregnancy ministry as a means of reaching communities with the Gospel.…
Beautiful Feet: General Fund
Beautiful Feet exists to spread the good news of God’s love by founding, training and equipping pregnancy ministries worldwide. Beautiful Feet has more than 140 pregnancy ministries in more than 35 nations. Beautiful Feet trains churches around the world to use pregnancy ministry as a means of reaching communities with the gospel.…
BFI 15 Year Anniversary Fundraiser
Beautiful Feet has been ministering to moms, protecting the lives of unborn babies, and sharing the gospel with families around the world for fifteen years! Please consider donating $15, $150 or more to celebrate all that the Lord has done through this ministry.…
Bring Light to Darkness: The Global Gospel Fund
This Christmas, your gift has the power to penetrate a dark world with the gospel. More than 40% of the world’s population is considered unreached with the gospel, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Gifts to the Global Gospel Fund help to equip, train, support, and mobilize missionaries to reach the hardest places in the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.…
Bring Light to Darkness: The Global Gospel Fund
This Christmas, your gift has the power to penetrate a dark world with the gospel. One third of humanity remains isolated from the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, dwelling in profound spiritual darkness. The need is vast, but together, we can illuminate the farthest corners of the globe with the hope and forgiveness found in the gospel.…
Christmas and the Nations: The Global Gospel Fund
Christmas is the best time to reflect on the fact that we serve a missional God. This Christmas, your gift has the power to penetrate a dark world with the gospel. One third of humanity remains isolated from the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, dwelling in profound spiritual darkness.…
Clarkston Welcome Project
Support the work of our missionaries meeting both tangible and spiritual needs for newly arriving Afghan refugees. The IRC (International Rescue Committee) has estimated that approximately 200 families will be coming to the Metro-Atlanta area. God is giving ABWE missionaries wide open doors to reach these precious Afghans with the gospel. Help…
Digital Engagement
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Eternity Matters: The Global Gospel Fund
Time is short. Eternity matters. We praise God for what he has done among the nations in 2023 and look forward to all that he will do in 2024. More than 40% of the world’s population is considered unreached with the gospel, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.…
On mission with the church to reach EveryEthne in North America through a disciple-making movement that multiplies leaders and churches. Under the discretion of the Executive Director for North America, these funds fuel the initiative, seeing the church advance, mobilize, and multiply.…
EveryEthne | Centurion Project
The Centurion Project networks with churches around Fort Liberty, North Carolina, to support and strengthen soldiers in the Great Commission. Through individualized coaching and seminars, the Centurion Project shares resources, tools, and intel to produce consummate professionals who lead their families and their teams with faithfulness and intentionality.…
EveryEthne | Church Advancement
Using a combination of demographic research tools and analysis, EveryEthne Church Advancement helps grow the health and capacity of churches. …
EveryEthne | Church Mobilization
EveryEthne Church Mobilization focuses on equipping churches—from among 20 different people groups—with the mentoring and resources they need to create “lost-to-leading” disciple-making cultures, building redemptive relationships with members of their communities. …
EveryEthne | Church Multiplication
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
EveryEthne | Church Multiplication
The EveryEthne team’s passion is to be on mission with the Church to reach every ethne in North America through a disciple-making movement that multiplies leaders and churches. It partners with churches to identify and own the lostness of their culturally, socially, and religiously diverse communities so that every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to hear, see, and respond to the Gospel.…
EveryEthne | Church Planter Grants
A Church Planter “Partner” is an assessed church planter who desires a relationship with EveryEthne – for advice, counsel, resourcing and coaching – but who already has much of his financial support in place and does not need to join an agency for the purpose of employment.…
EveryEthne | Church Planter Residencies
The EveryEthne leadership team has over 200 years of collective church ministry experience and is eager to mentor future leaders. Investment in the EveryEthne Residency Program pairs seasoned ministry leaders with future leaders looking for a mentor or coach who will help them develop their skills.…
EveryEthne | Communications
An investment in EveryEthne Communications will help us 'get the word out' to pastors and churches about the effect our tools and resources are having on churches across North America. Every $350 gift allows us to advertise at one Pastor's gathering.…
EveryEthne | Communications
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
EveryEthne | Heart, Mind & Soul Muslims
Since the inception of the Muslim seminar in 2012, thousands of people have experienced a heart-change, as God’s Spirit replaces their fears and anxieties with a genuine love that compels an active desire to build grace and truth relationships with Muslims in their communities.…
EveryEthne | Heart, Mind & Soul: Hindu
Help create a local church seminar, including artwork, PowerPoint Presentation, and Participant Workbook. The Heart, Mind & Soul: Hindu seminar helps equip believers to build grace and truth relationships with those of the Hindu faith. …
EveryEthne | Heart, Mind & Soul: LGBTQ
The Heart, Mind & Soul: LGBTQ Seminar is an interactive seminar that is designed to help believers build grace and truth relationships with unbelieving individuals within the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout the seminar, we take the believer on a journey that guides them towards loving and engaging LGBTQ+ individuals in a biblically, culturally, and actionably-appropriate manner.…
EveryEthne Ethnic Ministries
As North America continues to become more diverse, opportunities to share the gospel have never been greater. But when it comes to reaching other ethnic groups, it can be challenging to know where to start and how to be effective. However, sharing the gospel can be easy.…
EveryEthne Youth
Investing in the next generation of High School and College Students through the creation of relevant resources, training opportunities and internships.…