The Position
Doane Rest provides an opportunity for Filipino pastors, missionaries, and other local and international Christian workers to find rest from ministry and refocus their relationship with Jesus. We also try to be an encouragement and listening ear if they need it. We host different Bible trainings on our compound and help support local ministries. We strategically use this ministry not only to give member care but also to build up the body of Christ.
We are looking for anyone who has a heart for serving others. If you have the gift of hospitality this is a great opportunity for you.
Here the main tasks we would expect of you while serving at Doane Rest:
• Coordinating daily hospitality activities and operations
• Handling customer requests
• Managing budgets, expenses, and profits (QuickBooks)
• Communicating regularly using email (Microsoft 365) and text
• Preparing reports for our team field treasurer
• Managing local staff
• Working well within the existing ABWE Philippines team
The Need
While there are many churches and Christians in the Philippines, many are still trapped in the lies of Catholicism, Islam, or cult practices in the Philippines. The job is not done here, and we need more workers to come and not only reach out with the Gospel but also train up new Filipino leaders to help plant healthy churches and combat some of the cults and false beliefs here. At Doane Rest, you’ll have an opportunity to encourage and support pastors and missionaries working to get the Gospel out and be a light to those stuck in darkness. We are also in a country open to the Gospel but surrounded by countries that are hostile to Christ. Missionaries can visit here to receive refreshment and encouragement before returning to their field of service to spread the Gospel.

The Impact
The Philippines has a very strategic role in the Great Commission in the Asia Pacific. The Philippines team is the oldest ABWE team and has discipled Filipino workers to maturity, equipping them to take on their own roles within the Great Commission. However, there are still many ways we get to link arms with our Filipino brothers and sisters as we labor for the Kingdom. Doane Rest gets to play a part in that because we help pastors, ministry leaders, missionaries, and other Christian workers find rest so they can continue the ministry God has called them to. At Doane Rest, we can also hold different types of trainings to help pastors and missionaries grow in a relationship with the Lord and be equipped for ministry so they can reach not only Filipinos but also travel and live throughout the Asia Pacific and share the Gospel in other unreached countries. You can help us see this vision through by serving at Doane Rest.