Features7 Planks for Building a Church Missions Vision For church leaders, missions is like “eating right”—it’s something we all think we try to do, but rarely do on purpose.
FeaturesThe Great Commission Isn’t a Farewell Address Most farewell addresses are simply filled with warm sentiments. But what if we read Jesus’ words in Matthew 28 as an inaugural speech?
Articles3 Things Evangelism Isn’t In missions, if we get the gospel wrong, it doesn’t matter what else we get right.
Articles3 Reasons We Need Women in Missions As biblical complementarians, we can’t underestimate the contributions of women to church-planting teams.
VideosThis Is What ‘Calling’ Looks Like Raise Clark, missionary to Hungary, explains how God led her to go—and her local church to affirm her calling.
Features4 Keys to Sharing the Gospel With Buddhists We can begin to contextualize the gospel by starting on common ground with the problem of suffering.