ArticlesPresident’s Letter: A Season of Faithful Fruitfulness God’s great kindness to us compels us to be both fruitful and faithful.
ArticlesPresident’s Letter: A Life or Death Issue We're changing the way we do things, starting with telling the stories of our global pregnancy resource centers.
ArticlesPresident’s Letter: What ‘Counting as Loss’ Looks Like Let’s celebrate the newest missionaries who counted the cost and followed Christ.
FeaturesChildlikeness: The Key to a Great Ministry? The secret ingredient to Christlike greatness is more ordinary than one might expect.
FeaturesOn Patience The Christian must learn, in life and ministry, how to patiently respond to hurt and heartache.
FeaturesSensing a Call to Missions? Use These 4 Starting Blocks We cannot afford to be passive or haphazard about the will of God. We must pursue it directly and methodically.