Articles3 Eras Shape Modern Missions By understanding the trajectories set by each era of missions history, we can avoid pitfalls of the past and develop a biblically robust approach to missions.
PodcastsResponding to the ‘No Shortcut to Success’ Controversy Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford break down the recent exchange of articles surrounding Matt Rhodes’ book.
PodcastsCan We Learn From Movements? One missionary shares a controversial perspective on what two contrary schools of thought can learn from each other.
PodcastsWatch: Zane Pratt on Missions Methods and Defining ‘Church’ In this interview recorded at the Together for the Gospel conference, missions leader Zane Pratt defines the missionary task.
ArticlesA Brief Evaluation of the Four Fields Method What is the Four Fields methodology, and is it biblical?
PodcastsWhat Really Matters in Evangelism and Church Planting Pastor and author Chad Vegas explains the importance of using methods grounded in Scripture.