ArticlesGive the Gift of the Gospel The magnitude of the gift of Jesus Christ is worth celebrating and worth sharing among the farthest reaches of the globe.
Features5 Evangelistic Conversation Starters for Christmas Most non-Christians in North America still have enough “Christmas spirit” to consider the deeper meaning of Christmas.
ArticlesHow to Pick Your Church’s Christmas Giving Project If you church is choosing on a year-end project, don’t leave the decision to chance.
ArticlesIt’s All About Perspective What's the difference between support raising and fundraising? Jenn Fortner clarifies these terms for missionaries who are raising support.
PodcastsDoctrine, Pragmatism, and Movements: A Discussion With Ted Esler (Part 2) The dialogue with Ted Esler over the health of church planting movements continues.
ArticlesHow to Be Okay Your First Holiday Away: 4 Lessons From a Missionary The first couple holidays in another country feel weird, sad, and lonely. Stephanie Boon shares her experience.