ArticlesDoing Missions Requires Boots on the Ground There is a direct correlation between the number of people who have an opportunity to be saved and the number of churches who send missionaries.
ArticlesWhy You Aren’t Landing a Pastor Job (And How to Fix It) Perhaps the reason so few Bible college and seminary graduates don’t land jobs in ministry is that they aren’t thinking globally.
ArticlesDesire for the Lost to Be Saved The blessings and comforts of Christian life and society make it far too easy for us to forget the reality of Hell.
ArticlesPray for Suffering In the local church, praying to send missionaries means preparing to suffer.
ArticlesExplosive Growth Is Not Automatically Bad Without sacrificing the gospel or the marks of a true church, we must be willing to celebrate the growth of the Christian movement worldwide.
Articles3 Reasons Church Members Don’t Give to Missions (And How to Fix It) Busy pastors shouldn’t be afraid to spur the people they lead to give sacrificially and generously towards missions.