Articles3 Reasons We Need Women in Missions As biblical complementarians, we can’t underestimate the contributions of women to church-planting teams.
FeaturesDoing Missions Like John the Baptist When John lost one of his own disciples to Jesus, he was elated, not deflated. We must share the same focus.
PodcastsScott Dunford and Bob Bixby on Church Planting in Silicon Valley The San Francisco Bay Area is truly a mission field—not only as a place to engage secularism, but to find unreached migrant communities.
PodcastsAndrew Fuller: the Pastor Behind William Carey Travis Myers from Bethlehem College and Seminary shares lessons from the man behind the man behind modern missions.
PodcastsRacial Reconciliation and Multiethnic Church Planting in South Africa Ethnic tensions threaten South African churches, but multiethnic church planting efforts are bringing healing to a divided culture.
PodcastsCollin Hansen on Justice, Race, and Missions What does mercy ministry have to do with missions? The Gospel Coalition’s Collin Hansen weighs in.