ArticlesAre Some Cultures ‘Better’ Than Others? Evaluating the extent to which a culture’s value system reflects biblical ideals can help us evaluate objectively the global progress of the gospel.
PodcastsThe Truth About the Crusades and ‘Radical’ Islam With Raymond Ibrahim In order to be effective in global mission, we must understand the historic roots of Christian-Islamic conflict.
ArticlesBrothers, We Are Not for Sale Even as others compromise doctrinal and moral standards for the sake of relevance, faithful ministry demands that we carefully steward the gospel.
ArticlesWhat Israel Means for the Mission of God When Israel comes to Christ, the result is blessing for all the nations.
PodcastsA New Apologetic to Muslims with Matt Bennett Effective evangelism to Muslims requires a new apologetic. Matt Bennett joins The Missions Podcast.
PodcastsThe Persecuted Church in Iran with Lana Silk How can the Iranian church survive amid intense persecution and desperation?