ArticlesHow to Start Gospel Conversations These tips make it easier to engage unbelievers in meaningful discussions and turn them toward the gospel.
ArticlesPrayer Focus: A Coming Kingdom Our desire should be to see new people entering God's kingdom.
Features3 Reasons You Should Keep Supporting ‘Western’ Missionaries Why keep sending workers when indigenous missionaries can do the work cheaper? Here are three vital reasons.
Features4 Ways to Engage Non-Christians During Easter Using Resurrection Day as an opportunity for evangelistic conversations is not just a science; it’s also a relational art.
VideosIt’s Ramadan: Are Muslims Open to Discussing Jesus? Many Muslims are more ready to discuss spiritual topics with Christians than Christians are with Muslims.
ArticlesCharles Spurgeon on Doing Missions in Chaotic Times The “Prince of Preachers” can help us recover the stunning simplicity of the missionary task.