ArticlesHow Small Churches Can Serve a Global God Even small churches can impact the nations through short-term trips and partnership with missionaries and national believers.
ArticlesGreat Commission Spirituality: Treefulness Our union with Christ allows us to mature in spiritual virtue and bear fruit in Great Commission ministry.
Articles3 Principles About God’s Plan for the Nations From the Tower of Babel The biblical story of the Tower of Babel is more than a simple explanation of the origin of languages.
ArticlesHow Cosmic Glory and Natural Disasters Showcase the Gospel Both the awe-inspiring beauty of creation and its destructive potential demonstrate important truths about God, man, and the provision for our redemption.
ArticlesCharles Spurgeon, the Kingdom of God, and Care for ‘The Least of These’ Social ministries and evangelistic efforts, when kept in balance, can greatly magnify a church’s impact in its community.