The Spiritual Need in Chile
Chile is one of the most democratic and economically advanced countries in South America. Stretching along South America’s western edge, this nation sports a massive Pacific coastline and a capital city surrounded by the breathtaking Andes and Chilean Coast Range mountains.
But even in this scenic setting, the spiritual climate of Chile remains troubled. Poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and homelessness create an atmosphere of confusion and spiritual decay throughout Chilean culture. Many children lack role models for positive spiritual growth.

An estimated 68% of Chile’s population of 18 million identify as Roman Catholic, and 23% as evangelical believers, with Catholic and Protestant churches having had strong historical influence in the country. Yet even though religious freedom thrives in Chile, the role of religion in Chilean culture is decreasing, and the country has the second highest rate of non-religiously affiliated people in Latin America.
Seeing the need for vibrant, relational evangelism, local church leaders welcome missionaries with open arms. National believers are eager to work side-by-side with missionaries to find new ways to serve and spread the gospel. Chile has become a launching pad for missionaries into unreached areas and even across borders into other countries in the Americas.
Share The Gospel In Chile
ABWE began missionary work in Chile in the 1950s. Originally established in the capital of Santiago, our church-planting efforts have spread into other cities such as Puerto Varas and Iquique. Our primary goals are to partner with Chilean leaders who are committed to making disciples and planting churches, provide the young people of Chile with spiritual guidance, and reach marginalized groups who are often overlooked.
Established ABWE ministries like Baptist Bible Seminary and Santiago Christian Academy, a school for missionary kids, have had success in spiritual mentoring and multiplication of ministries and believers. Missionaries are also reaching and counseling groups that need special support, such as the hearing impaired and single mothers, helping build healthier church ministries that minister to everyone in their reach.
The groundwork has been laid and the opportunity is great. We need more people to join us to share the gospel in Chile and beyond!
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Chile Medical Missions Team Trip
ChileMinistry in Chile: 2025. Please see the listing for more information regarding future trips.
Christian Publishers
ChileJoin our team and use your skills as a graphic artist, writer, content creator or administrator to serve this curriculum ministry in Chile.
Church Planters
ChileWe are seeking teammates for missionary and national church planting teams in each of Chile's four regions where ABWE has workers.
Chile Medical Team
Our medical team trips, led by an IHM team member, use a combination of medical and non-medical personnel who work alongside a national pastor and missionary in the area. Daily clinics provide medical resources, including basic medication, vitamins and reading glasses, all of which help open doors for the gospel and raise the profile of the local church to draw in unbelievers.…
Church Planting in the Caribbean with Julio (Chile)
Live Global partners with Julio, part of Adelphos Mission Agency in Chile, to resource and encourage national missionaries in Chile and other Caribbean countries.
Ensenada Discipleship Center
The establishment of the Ensenada Discipleship Center is far from just a physical structure and represents a vision to further amplify our ministry efforts in Puerto Varas, Chile. The goal is to purchase a 2.5 acre property with a house and ministry building on it to use for discipleship and training purposes.…
Chile Medical Team
Our medical team trips, led by an IHM team member, use a combination of medical and non-medical personnel who work alongside a national pastor and missionary in the area. Daily clinics provide medical resources, including basic medication, vitamins and reading glasses, all of which help open doors for the gospel and raise the profile of the local church to draw in unbelievers.…
Church Planting in the Caribbean with Julio (Chile)
Live Global partners with Julio, part of Adelphos Mission Agency in Chile, to resource and encourage national missionaries in Chile and other Caribbean countries. …
Ensenada Discipleship Center
The establishment of the Ensenada Discipleship Center is far from just a physical structure and represents a vision to further amplify our ministry efforts in Puerto Varas, Chile. The goal is to purchase a 2.5 acre property with a house and ministry building on it to use for discipleship and training purposes.…
Florece Prenatal Center
The Pregnancy Resource Center’s Impact Located in Iquique, Chile, FLORECE Prenatal Center is celebrating its 5th anniversary this year. Since its founding, the center has: Witnessed 33 salvation decisions Helped 226 individual clients Seen 46 babies be born Taught 437 maternity classes Hosted 728 Bible study lessons How FLORECE Prenatal Center Cares for Expecting Mothers FLORECE provides free pregnancy tests, weekly maternity classes, and post-abortion counseling.…
GAP ADELPHOS | Patricio Oliva
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Adelphos Mission Agency in Chile to resource and encourage national missionaries. Patricio Oliva is the President of Adelphos in Chile.…
GROW Training & Publications Ministry
GROW Ministries has been serving dozens of churches for the past 14 years in partnership with ABWE Chile and the local church. GROW is equipping, training, mobilizing and strengthening local churches and believers through seminars and training courses with the added plus of writing and producing the needed print resources to leave in the hands of the national laborers.…
Live Global | ADELPHOS Chilean Missions Agency
Live Global partners with the Adelphos Mission Agency in Chile to resource and encourage national missionaries. Adelphos was started by a group of Chilean nationals, and exists to provide tools for pastors, leaders, and churches to use to develop and improve their vision and ministry.…
Live Global | Church Planting and Bible Institute with Pablo and Lissette (Chile)
Pablo was brought up in a Christian home. As a child, an older cousin often told him bedtime stories of God's plan of salvation. He received Christ as his Savior at age five. Lisette, his wife, also came to faith in Jesus as a child.…
National Partners – Chile
Originally from Ecuador, Ibodne Ortiz came to Christ when he confronted her with her sin at age 23. Ten years later she moved to Chile, graduating from ABWE's theological seminary in 2006. Passionate about evangelism and gifted in teaching, Ibodne faithfully served her local church in Santiago, Chile in many different roles, overseeing Sunday School materials and teaching children, youth, and women.…
North Chile Benevolence Fund
As a result of COVID-19, the Northern Chile Field Team (NCFT) began a benevolence ministry to distribute food, and pay utility bills and rent for those people in the NCFT’s spheres of influence and ministry. This includes church members, clients of Florece (a prenatal and family counseling center), and others God has literally brought to their doorsteps.…
Rio Bueno Project Chile
We want to build a center in a highly populated, lower income area, where the church will meet, but is also open to serve the community through after school tutoring, AWANA, crisis relief, marriage and addiction counseling, family strengthening classes and events, and more.…
Santiago Christian Academy
Santiago Christian Academy (SCA) is a private Christian school, founded by ABWE in 1968 with the goal of providing a Christ-centered, English education of high standards for the missionary families of ABWE who are located in Santiago, Chile. In the initial years, the parents themselves were the teachers.…
Santiago Christian Academy Student Fund
The SCA Student fund supports those students and families needing tuition assistance who otherwise could not send their children due to financial issues. …
Santiago Seminary | Bible Baptist Seminary
Baptist Bible Seminary (the Santiago Seminary) is encouraged by financial help for their week-by-week operations, which include student scholarships and occasional special projects. …