
The Spiritual Need in Jamaica
Jamaica is known for its significant global influence in music, culture, and athletics—despite its small size—with a population of just under three million people living on the Caribbean island.
Rastafarianism, which uses Christian language syncretized with African traditional religions, has been a religious and cultural movement in Jamaica since the 1930s. Yet while making a large cultural impact, it is represented by only a very small portion of the population today. The majority of Jamaicans consider themselves Christian, with 30% identifying as evangelical believers. Jamaica also has small Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist populations, due in part to emigration by generations of Chinese and Indian laborers for work on the island.
Religious diversity in Jamaica has allowed for the acceptance of evangelism, church planting and ministries among a number of people and age groups.
Christian Missions To Jamaica
The ABWE team in Jamaica trains national pastors, strengthens evangelical congregations, and assists Jamaican pastors in planting local churches.
We need team members who have experience building relationships, sharing the gospel, making disciples and teaching sound theology in order to continue to strengthen the local church in Jamaica. Skills in accounting, business, construction, administration, youth ministry, and music are also valuable assets.
Is God leading you to serve with us as a missionary in Jamaica?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Community Ambassadors
JamaicaThe Position Do you enjoy initiating redemptive conversations and building redemptive relationships with those who are far from Christ? One of the first steps in church planting is Biblically and creatively engaging the community you are wanting to reach with the gospel. We need team members who are willing to be ambassadors for Christ to
JamaicaThe Position Our Jamaica team needs trained, qualified Biblical Counselors to serve the churches of Jamaica. While many in Jamaica claim to be Christian, the nation is full of broken homes and people. The churches of Jamaica need to offer hope to the nation through counseling that will truly offer promise of real change. As
Disciple Makers
JamaicaThe Position Do you love to walk beside new believers in a one-on-one or one-on-small group setting to help them grow in their faith and become those who can eventually disciple other new believers? We need team members who can intentionally and strategically invest their lives in this core ministry of the Great Commission. We
Bay Life Baptist Church with Andrew Pryce (Jamaica)
Bay Life Baptist Church exist to meet people at their point of spiritual need, move them into a right relationship with God through His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ, and to mature them in their walk with God.
The church evangelizes the unsaved by proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, educates believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, protects the church from false teaching according to Titus 3:9, provide foods and household items to those in their community, and engages the youth as the next generation of ambassadors for Christ.…
GAP Jamaica | A. Black
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica | D. Brown
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
Bay Life Baptist Church with Andrew Pryce (Jamaica)
Bay Life Baptist Church exist to meet people at their point of spiritual need, move them into a right relationship with God through His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ, and to mature them in their walk with God. The church evangelizes the unsaved by proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, educates believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture, protects the church from false teaching according to Titus 3:9, provide foods and household items to those in their community, and engages the youth as the next generation of ambassadors for Christ.…
GAP Jamaica | A. Black
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica | D. Brown
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica | Devon Linton
ABWE missionaries work as a team in about 60 countries to share the story of hope, build communities of faith, and serve the world with love.…
GAP Jamaica | Llewellyn
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica | P & M Wright
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica | P. Wright
Global Access Partnerships (GAP) partners with the Jamaican churches to resource and encourage national pastors and churches.…
GAP Jamaica Baptist Church Planting Agency
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Jamaica Medical Team
Our medical team trips, led by an IHM team member, use a combination of medical and non-medical personnel who work alongside a national pastor and missionary in the area. Daily clinics provide medical resources, including basic medication, vitamins and reading glasses, all of which help open doors for the gospel and raise the profile of the local church to draw in unbelievers.…