
The Spiritual Need in Romania
Filled with vast forests and stunning small towns in its Carpathian Mountains, Romania has a population of over 21 million people, and provides a unique opportunity for evangelism to both its own people groups and those in the surrounding regions. Their liberation in 1989 from a generation of oppressive, communist rule prompted a spiritual awakening, as a longing for freedom and truth opened doors for missions and evangelism. More than 93% of Romanians consider themselves to be Christians because they were baptized into the Orthodox Church as infants, but far less truly understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Among the 6% evangelical population, Baptists and Pentecostals comprise the largest denominations.
Romania is surrounded by countries and people groups. Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Ukraine, Hungary, and Germany are accessible in a day’s drive, making Romania a strategic location for missions efforts to unreached people groups. The country has experienced a great spiritual awakening with hundreds of new churches formed since the 1989 revolution.

Share The Gospel In Romania
Following the revolution, the Romanian people eagerly welcomed missionaries into their country. Received with open arms, ABWE began to share the gospel in Romania and build deep-rooted relationships with the Romanian people.
Our goal is to help train national leaders so that they can invest in Romanian believers and pastors, plant churches, and send out their own missionaries. We are working toward a mission movement in Romania that encompasses evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, mentoring, camp ministry, and children’s ministries, to reach and sustain the spiritually hungry people of the country and its neighboring nations.
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Assistant & Lunch/Recess Monitor
BalkansThe Position Join the team at the Balkans S.T.E.A.M. School where you’ll minister to local children and their families through education. The Need The Balkans is ethnically diverse region with predominantly Muslim, Catholic and Orthodox beliefs. The land is rich with history, beauty and resources but the differences in religious beliefs have led to civil
Carpenters & Roofers
RomaniaPACT Romania Ministry Center currently has 22 acres of undeveloped land. The Romania team wants to begin land development by building an electrical utility building that will be the hub for electrical distribution to future buildings on campus.
Children and Camp Ministry
RomaniaAs a Student Intern, join our team in Romania and experience authentic missionary life, Romanian culture, and the ministry of the hosting missionary.
Church Planting with Felix & Oana (Romania)
Felix and Oana are church planting in Bucharest, Romania. They are part of the young team working to grow the church and send others to the ends of the earth.
Meet the Leaders: Felix and Oana
Felix Tamaș is married to Oana and together they have two daughters.…
Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Bals with Ionut
This project is to support a Live Global national partnership in Romania.…
Church Planting with Felix & Oana (Romania)
Felix and Oana are church planting in Bucharest, Romania. They are part of the young team working to grow the church and send others to the ends of the earth. Meet the Leaders: Felix and Oana Felix Tamaș is married to Oana and together they have two daughters.…
Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Bals with Ionut
This project is to support a Live Global national partnership in Romania.…
Live Global | Church Planting with Alexe (Romania)
Alexe and Veronica Costea’s mission is to fulfill the spiritual and material needs of the people of Comani impacting all with the hope of Christ in the people of Comani and to the ends of the earth through evangelism, discipleship, church and prayer.…
Live Global | Church Planting with Raul (Romania)
Raul’s vision is to see churches planted, believers discipled, and elders appointed in strategic parts of the southwest part of Romania. Places such as Craiova and Draganesti-Olt have been two examples where this has occurred. Raul’s future goal is to move to Thessaloniki Greece and use this international city as a hub to launch missionaries to Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia.…
PACT Romania Ministry Center
The word pact implies promise and peace and is used when a good relationship exists. PACT Romania is a place where good relationships are formed. A place for people to escape the crowded city and encounter their Creator in the beauty of His creation.…
Romania Camp Ministry
The ABWE Romania team has an extensive camp and youth ministry for the purposes of evangelism, discipleship, and ministry and leadership training. …
Romanian Church Repair
Hope Baptist Church in Luncavita has been saving for several major repairs to its building. The major expenditures are replacing the leaking roof with a steel one, and renovating the main room. They are able to do most of the labour, but need help raising the funds for these two major projects.…
Spiritual Development and Women’s Ministry with Christian and Amy (Romania)
Christian Ungureanu was one of 12 people who founded a church in Bucharest, Romania in 2003. The church has gone through periods of both growth and decline over the years, but Christian and his wife have committed to the long haul of perseverance in ministry through the church they planted.…
Training Global Workers with Dr. Alex and Cami (Romania)
Alex and Cami Vlasin organize two retreats each year for Romanian global workers. The retreats are a time for spiritual and physical refreshment and encouragement, fellowship with other global workers, counseling, seminars, and training. There is also a program at the same time for Third Culture Kids.…