
The Spiritual Need in Tanzania
Tanzania is located in East Africa on the Indian Ocean and south of Kenya. It is home to iconic sites such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, and Serengeti National Park, famous for its vast game reserves. Tanzania has a population of more than 53 million people, which represent more than 120 different ethnic, linguistic or religious people groups. Followers of Islam make up 30% of the population, and 51% identify as Christian. While Christianity is widespread, so is syncretism with animistic ethnic religions. Some say that Christianity in Tanzania is a mile wide but only an inch deep. There is great need for discipleship and strengthening of churches.
Tanzania’s location on Africa’s eastern coast places it in the path of the spread of Islam, which has left many northern and eastern countries closed to missions work, yet Tanzania remains open to sharing the gospel with Muslims and others. Sharing sound, biblical teaching and planting new churches are critical efforts in strengthening the foundation of faith in Tanzania.

Church Planting In Tanzania
Since 2012, our team in Tanzania has been sharing the gospel through evangelism, discipleship, youth camps and college ministry, teaching English, and preaching in Tanzanian churches. The nature of public education in Tanzania also means there are particular doors open in this African nation for educators to make an impact. And Sifa Threads is a unique ministry that teaches marginalized women sewing and entrepreneurial skills and offers biblical discipleship.
Through our church planting in Tanzania, we aim to serve communities and equip the church in hopes of expanding the gospel’s reach and raising up local church planters. We have been blessed to see Tanzanians catching a vision for their part in the Great Commission.
Will you join us as we build community, make disciples and plant churches in Tanzania?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Grace Mission Interns
TanzaniaWe are looking for interns who can rise to a challenge, are open to new learning experiences and exposure to a diverse range of ministry opportunities.
100 Fold Publishing
100Fold Publishing is a ministry that exists to strengthen the church and its members by making God’s Word and his work known to the Swahili-speaking world. We believe that the church’s growth is deeply rooted in access to sound biblical teaching, and our mission is to bridge the language gap, ensuring that Swahili speakers can fully engage with transformative Christian literature.…
Dar Health Initiative
The Healthcare Center’s Impact
Located in Tanzania, the Dar Health Initiative focuses on all aspects of a person’s health. The health initiative cares for the Tanzanian people through community health education and prenatal education.
The Prenatal Center’s Impact
MamaLove is a pro-life program founded to serve pregnant women and their babies through prenatal care and education.…
Grace Mission Tanzania
We are a team of ABWE missionaries sent from Grace Baptist Church in Mason, Ohio. Our team also consists of Tanzanians who God has raised into leadership. God has built our team since 2012 as we each minister and serve in different ways but collectively to share the gospel, plant churches and make disciples. Our…
100 Fold Publishing
100Fold Publishing is a ministry that exists to strengthen the church and its members by making God’s Word and his work known to the Swahili-speaking world. We believe that the church’s growth is deeply rooted in access to sound biblical teaching, and our mission is to bridge the language gap, ensuring that Swahili speakers can fully engage with transformative Christian literature.…
Dar Health Initiative
The Healthcare Center’s Impact Located in Tanzania, the Dar Health Initiative focuses on all aspects of a person’s health. The health initiative cares for the Tanzanian people through community health education and prenatal education. The Prenatal Center’s Impact MamaLove is a pro-life program founded to serve pregnant women and their babies through prenatal care and education.…
Grace Mission Tanzania
We are a team of ABWE missionaries sent from Grace Baptist Church in Mason, Ohio. Our team also consists of Tanzanians who God has raised into leadership. God has built our team since 2012 as we each minister and serve in different ways but collectively to share the gospel, plant churches and make disciples. Our…
SIFA Threads
Empowering marginalized women in Tanzania through business training, handicrafts, and biblical discipleship programs. {[ infographic ]}[[ item icon:’dollar-bill.svg’ smalltext:’100% of sales go directly back to Sifa Threads’ mediumtext:’Goes Back’...
Swahili Kids Ministry
Swahili Kids Ministry was created and run by the late Shelly Henderson-Mwamakula. She passed away unexpectedly in July of 2018 due to a diagnosis of cancer. Our hope is to continue this ministry in her honor in hopes that it will continue to reach young people for Jesus Christ through Biblical teaching and fun kid-friendly activities.…