
The Spiritual Need in Togo
Togo is a small West African country bordered by Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, and the Gulf of Guinea. It is home to just over eight million people who make up at least 46 unique people groups, including many that are unreached with the saving knowledge of the gospel.
Togo’s culture and religious atmosphere reflect the influences of its many ethnic groups. Despite the prominent population of Christians (45%) and growth in followers of Islam (16%), over half of the Togolese syncretize native animistic practices and beliefs along with their primary religion. This region is believed to be the birthplace of voodoo, and its spiritual hold in the Togolese nation persists today. While evangelistic efforts have been successful, new challenges are facing the younger generation. The community of believers in Jesus Christ needs help to advance the gospel.
Church Planting Missions In Togo
ABWE began leading church planting missions in Togo in 1974. Ministry opportunities have since grown tremendously and even created a platform for outreach into neighboring countries. ABWE teammates are impacting lives in this West African region in the following ministries.
ABWE medical teams in Togo serve their communities in two hospital settings: The Hospital of Hope (HoH) in northern Togo, which has an impact that reaches into several surrounding countries, and the Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB, Karolyn Kempton Memorial Hospital) in southern Togo. Dozens of churches and Christian schools can trace their roots back to HBB’s ministry and its community outreaches. Since 1985, HBB has been so instrumental in regional church-planting efforts that 53 churches have been planted within ministry distance from the hospital, 80% of which are now led by national believers. The hospital itself serves more than 18,000 patients each year, each one of them hearing the gospel while in its care, and on average, 14% of them professing faith in Christ.
We are grateful for this environment in which to share both physical and spiritual healing, within and outside the hospital’s walls. HoH was founded in March of 2015 in an unreached area of northern Togo. The 66-bed hospital is a major medical, surgical, and obstetric acute care facility that has grown to treat more than 9,000 patients each year, in addition to the 20,000 seen annually in their busy outpatient clinic. In 2023, the surgery department performed more than 1400 surgeries and their maternity department celebrated more than 1500 births! God is using HoH to reach the unreached people groups in this difficult region with the gospel. Now known as “the hospital that prays,” its patients are exposed to the good news through the love and care that they receive there. For those patients who express interest, it has been a great joy to give out audio Bibles in their heart languages. In partnership with national chaplains, Bible study groups and small churches have sprung up in numerous local villages and we are seeing many come to know Jesus as Savior.

Working alongside national churches, we have an opportunity to evangelize and disciple future generations through education. Two primary focuses for educational ministry in Togo include the operation of Baptist Christian schools throughout the country, and the Village of Light school, which has been a vehicle to bring visually-impaired youth and young adults of Togo to Christ.
Our teams also work through many other ministries. The aviation outreach integrates compassionate medical care with the evangelical witness of church planting throughout West Africa. The FM Christian radio station, Hope Radio, provides discipleship material and equips local churches with outreach materials and media. A Christian Resource Center exists to strengthen the church in Togo by providing literature in French and local languages at affordable prices. The aquaponics ministry helps supply and feed Togolese students healthy produce, while opening doors to sharing the gospel. As the Togolese church continues to grow, we see great need for theological educators to help the Christian community begin to train more of its own pastors and missionaries. There is surely a ministry fit for anyone who desires to participate in the growth of the gospel and the church in Togo—is God leading you to join us?
We'd love to talk with you about how God is leading you.
Administrative Assistant
TogoThe Hospital of Hope in West Africa is looking for someone with good administrative and organizational skills to help serve the ministry.
Anesthesiologists and Nurse Anesthetists
TogoCome use your talents at our hospital in Southern Togo.
Construction Assistance in Various Trades
TogoThe Hopitale Baptiste Biblique (HBB) medical facility in Togo is working through a multi-year, multi-phase renovation and expansion project and has several construction-related ministry opportunities available including finish carpentry, construction supervision, and masonry supervision.
Adeta Station Council Fund
The Adéta team of southern Togo is active in church planting, medical ministry, aviation, hospitality, and leadership training. This fund provides a means for helping the team meet spiritual and physical needs and for financing special projects in the local community and on the missionary compound. Please…
Adidogome Project Lome
We are seeing God do wonderful things in the growing churches of Togo. The Togo team is in the process of building a training center to host events that would promote the evangelism and edification of believers, in addition to providing a place to gather and prepare Christian leaders to ministry across Togo and beyond its borders.…
Africa (Togo) Anniversary Fund
This coming spring, ABWE will be celebrating 50 years of ministry in Togo. There will be government officials, current and former missionaries, along with pastors and other ministry leaders from all over the country.
$35,000 is needed for this wonderful celebration.…
Adeta Station Council Fund
The Adéta team of southern Togo is active in church planting, medical ministry, aviation, hospitality, and leadership training. This fund provides a means for helping the team meet spiritual and physical needs and for financing special projects in the local community and on the missionary compound. Please…
Adidogome Project Lome
We are seeing God do wonderful things in the growing churches of Togo. The Togo team is in the process of building a training center to host events that would promote the evangelism and edification of believers, in addition to providing a place to gather and prepare Christian leaders to ministry across Togo and beyond its borders.…
Africa (Togo) Anniversary Fund
This coming spring, ABWE will be celebrating 50 years of ministry in Togo. There will be government officials, current and former missionaries, along with pastors and other ministry leaders from all over the country. $35,000 is needed for this wonderful celebration.…
Beautiful Feet – Esther Elikplim Aglago
Esther is the French Africa Director for Beautiful Feet. She has established 19 pregnancy centers in Togo, West Africa and 4 pregnancy ministries in Burundi since 2015.She is responsible for the training and oversight of these ministries, as well as the training of new ministries throughout French-speaking Africa, as opportunities arise.…
Bible Baptist Schools of Togo
The Christian School ministry reaches over 4,000 Togolese students for the gospel every year by providing teacher training, educational materials, and Christian curriculum. 3 Ways You Can Help: Professional Development Ongoing training is essential to reaching an excellent standard of education.…
Community Health Evangelism (CHE) | North Togo
Community Health Evangelism improves the health of entire communities in northern Togo through health education, community development, evangelism and discipleship. Togolese Christians work with missionaries to reach communities in holistic ministry. …
Community Health Evangelism (CHE) | South Togo
ABWE’s team is dedicated to both church planting and special ministries, helping local villages with healthcare education. Our Community Health Evangelism team of both Togolese and ABWE missionaries provides health education and empowers Togolese. There is a need for $250 monthly to support these teams.…
El Roi University Center Togo
El Roï was created to reach a specific population of unreached/under-engaged Islamic Students who currently study at the University of Kara through various services who are then invited to join a bible study group with the ultimate goal of a church plant in their own village or city by their own people group.…
Evangelistic Mobile Med Clinics (EMMC)
Our Evangelistic Mobile Medical Clinics team, consisting of both Togolese and ABWE missionaries, not only provide an education of healthy habits, but treat patients that may not need hospital care, yet are in need of some medical attention, with the intent of sharing the Gospel.…
Fulani Center
Hamidou, one of the Fulani Chaplains who works at the Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo, resides in one of the structures at the Fulani Center with his family. There is an additional three-room building at the center that is currently under construction.…
HBB Nurse Training Project
The Togo Nursing Education Program was begun in 1997 as a ministry of the Karolyn Kempton Memorial Christian Hospital, now the Hopital Baptiste Biblique (HBB), in Tsiko, Togo. Togolese men and women, strong believers involved in their churches and recommended by their local churches, are trained as nurses in order to work in HBB with the goal of using their nursing profession as a ministry for Christ. …
HOH Togo Pediatric Care
Located in northern Togo, Africa, Hospital of Hope was founded in March of 2015. The 66-hospital bed, major medical, surgical, and acute care facility treats 2,500 inpatients and performs 1,000 surgeries, annually. The busy outpatient unit cares for 100 – 150 patients per day.…
HOH Togo Pediatric Care – Surviving Takes Hope/Peds Oncology
The HOH Pediatric Cancer Fund is directly used towards providing care virtually free of charge so that the children of northern Togo and southern Burkina Faso can have the chance to be cancer survivors. We are the only center providing Pediatric Cancer care for a population of over 2 million people and are the only center in Togo treating Pediatric Osteosarcoma.…
HOH Togo Pediatric Care: Cardiac Fund
The Hospital of Hope Cardiac Care Fund exists to facilitate corrective surgery for children with congenital heart defects. Since there are no pediatric heart surgeons in Togo, patients supported by this fund are able to travel to other countries to receive life-saving surgery. Through…
Hope for the Future Fund – Hospital of Hope
This fund will allow the team make some needed changes to the hospital’s structure and training programs to address some of the current pressing needs.…
Hope Patient Care Fund
The Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo provides healthcare to some of the poorest people from several surrounding countries. Staff not only provide quality care but strive to demonstrate the love of Christ and the hope of the Gospel. The Hope Patient Care Fund was established to help underwrite the hospital care for those who are without the means to pay for procedures and treatment.…
Hope Radio Mango: Construction
Since 2018, Hope Radio has been broadcasting the truth of the gospel in northern Togo. There is a great need for more radio programming in the tribal dialects of the people. To accomplish this goal, we are endeavoring to complete the second floor of the studio building with translation offices, work spaces, and small apartments for translators. Would…
Hope Radio Mango: Operations
HOPE RADIO MANGO – Spreading the light of hope in northern Togo through Christian radio at 93.1 FM Since 2018, Hope Radio has been dedicated to broadcasting the truth of the Gospel across northern Togo. However, there remains a significant need for more radio programming in local tribal languages to reach more hearts and minds.…
Hopital Baptiste Biblique (HBB)
The Hopital Baptiste Biblique or HBB in Tsiko, Togo provides healthcare to the needy. Staff not only provide quality care but strive to share Christ with every patient. Funds donated to the hospital help cover operating costs, patients’ bills, equipment, and more.…
Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) Chaplain Ministry
Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) provides quality, compassionate healthcare in Jesus' name. It is our highest priority that each patient also hears the gospel during their hospitalization. HBB needs more chaplains to minister to our Muslim patients, women and children, and to follow up with patients and their families at their homes after leaving the hospital. …
Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) Vision Project
The Hôpital Baptiste Biblique Vision Project is Completely Funded! We are immensely grateful to all who have contributed to the HBB Vision Project. Your generous support has enabled us to reach our funding goal, and we are excited to move forward with our mission.…
Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) Vision Project
Burning with fever, JoJo rolled over, refusing to eat the food her mother offered. With a stoic face hiding a worried heart, JoJo’s mother rushed into action, taking her to the nearest hospital, ABWE’s Hôpital Baptiste Biblique. JoJo was admitted by one of the Togolese physician assistants, who immediately started her on an IV and medication to stabilize her and inserted a feeding tube to prevent further infection.…
Hospital of Hope – Chaplaincy Program – Mango
Every year the team of chaplains at the Hospital of Hope provides spiritual care both in the hospital and in surrounding communities. More than 1,000 audio Bibles and hundreds of printed Bibles will be given out this year. These materials are made available in 8 languages to new believers or those seeking the Hope that comes from knowing Christ.…
Hospital of Hope Nursing School (Adopt A Student Nurse)
ABWE’s Togo Nursing Education Program has equipped more than 45 Togolese graduates with the nursing skills to meet patients’ physical needs, as well as the biblical foundation to meet their spiritual needs. Through the generosity of donors, the adoption program covers nursing students’ education expenses, translator salaries, textbooks, and supplies.…
Hospital of Hope PAACS
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Hospital of Hope Water Well Drilling
The Togo Water Well Drilling Ministry brings clean water to villages which must otherwise depend on contaminated sources. Clean water dramatically decreases infant mortality and increases community health. The close proximity of the well also significantly improves women’s lives. Thus far we have drilled over fifty wells.…
Live Global | Training Families with Pastor Joseph Akakpo (Togo)
After experiencing a remarkable rebirth into the Christian faith, Pastor Joseph and his wife Francisca now have a vision to help build strong Christian families in Togo, West Africa. They are training families and Christian teens through regular gatherings, Bible studies, church planting, and national conferences.…