Ministry Focus
With aviation ministry, every flight has the potential to take the gospel further, enhance our existing ministries, and save lives by linking hospitals and providing rapid and reliable flights. Our pilots also work to help make missionary life less stressful and expand ministries into hard-to-reach places.
We are looking for passionate pilots and mechanics to join us in taking mobile medical clinics, community health evangelism, women’s ministry, church planting, and theological training to new heights.
Learn more about ABWE’s Missionary Pilot and Mechanic Qualifications.
Use Your Aviation Skills in Ministry
ABWE has aviation needs throughout the world that include:
- Brazil: Aviation ministries work with Brazilian nationals to bring the gospel and discipleship opportunities to river communities with and without organized churches.
- Colombia: ABWE seeks to establish an aviation ministry that provides evangelism and discipleship training to indigenous pastors with limited theological education or pastoral experience. Once sufficiently trained, missionaries will then accompany these pastors and church leaders to plant churches among unreached villages in Colombia with no established churches.
- The Caribbean: ABWE plans to launch an aviation ministry to advance theological education and church planting among the various islands in the Caribbean that are quickly accessible by airplane. Pilots and mechanics will work alongside national pastors to provide local churches with training in evangelism, discipleship, Bible exposition, systematic theology, and other subjects to equip local churches to grow and reproduce.
If you want to combine your passion for aviation with your passion for sharing the gospel, we want to talk to you.
Is God calling you to use your skills on the mission field?
BrazilMissionary pilot-mechanic needed in Brazil to support Bible Institute work among indigenous churches in remote villages, church-planting and evangelism ministries.
Pilots and/or Mechanics in Colombia
ColombiaMissionary pilots and mechanics needed to establish an aviation ministry in Colombia focused on providing evangelism and discipleship training to indigenous pastors in remote areas of the country.
Pilots and/or Mechanics in The Caribbean
The Position ABWE is looking for motivated pilots and mechanics to launch an aviation ministry in the Caribbean. The ABWE Caribbean vision is to advance Great Commission thinking and implementation among Caribbean churches resulting in making disciples and planting churches among the unengaged and unreached communities that number over one million people. Using a light
South Asia Aviation
The mountainous terrain in South Asia often makes ground transportation unfeasible for church planters. An aviation program in South Asia will provide our national partners access to mountainous villages to share the gospel where Christ is not presently worshipped. Funds are needed to train our national partners and equip them with aircraft.…
MMM Airplane Project
Fly to reach far away areas. Preach to save souls in communities where is difficult, or dangerous or inaccessible to arrive. Teach to disciple them to adore and serve the Lord Our God. Help those in need providing aerial logistics.…
Michael & April Davies
As Director of Missionary Aviation, Mike oversees all aspects of ABWE’s aviation program to ensure the organization’s aircraft are flown safely and efficiently on the mission field. Some of his responsibilities include recruiting qualified pilots and mechanics, resourcing flight and maintenance training for ABWE missionaries, and managing the organization’s aircraft. …
South Asia Aviation
The mountainous terrain in South Asia often makes ground transportation unfeasible for church planters. An aviation program in South Asia will provide our national partners access to mountainous villages to share the gospel where Christ is not presently worshipped. Funds are needed to train our national partners and equip them with aircraft.…
MMM Airplane Project
OUR PURPOSE IS Fly to reach far away areas. Preach to save souls in communities where is difficult, or dangerous or inaccessible to arrive. Teach to disciple them to adore and serve the Lord Our God. Help those in need providing aerial logistics.…
Michael & April Davies
As Director of Missionary Aviation, Mike oversees all aspects of ABWE’s aviation program to ensure the organization’s aircraft are flown safely and efficiently on the mission field. Some of his responsibilities include recruiting qualified pilots and mechanics, resourcing flight and maintenance training for ABWE missionaries, and managing the organization’s aircraft. …
Togo Aviation
ABWE has a dedicated aviation team in Togo, West Africa. They seek to provide transportation into the bush, often for medical emergencies where road travel is impossible. Funds needed to get the ministry and aircraft off the ground—literally.…