Ministry Focus


At ABWE, we believe the foundation of faith is understanding, and the foundation of understanding is education. Missionary schools provide opportunities for teachers to improve the lives of children around the world by helping them find fulfillment through Christ.

We are educating missionary kids around the world. From our Christian schools in ChilePortugal, and the Balkans, our missionary teachers focus on a biblically-based education which is integral to raising up strong followers of Christ. It also integrates seamlessly into our mission to advance the gospel through church planting teams filled with missionaries who employ a variety of skills through many different platforms.

Make An Impact Through Education

Opportunities To Teach & Serve Abroad

Missionary teachers have the unique opportunity to use their classrooms as places for evangelism and discipleship. Along with teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, missionary teachers develop relationships and are able to disciple their students to follow Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate teacher. We offer many opportunities for teachers to minister on the mission field, including:

  • Public schools
  • Private schools
  • Bible classes
  • Christian schools
  • English as a second language (ESL)
  • Missionary kid education
  • Pastor training
  • Seminary teaching

Quality education through missions work allows teachers to open doors for children in remote areas or in countries with challenging education standards.

What To Expect As a Missionary Teacher

Cross-cultural ministry at international schools provides ample opportunity to foster growth in children preaching the gospel. In this role you can expect to:

  • Work in a Christian school where you can focus on teaching and guiding children personally.
  • Create lesson plans and activities.
  • Teach academic subjects and adjust your lessons to fit each child’s needs.
  • Assign homework, give tests, and help with standardized testing.
  • Provide homework assignments.
  • Keep track of student progress and records.
  • Keep your teaching certification up-to-date and join in professional training.
  • Get involved in community activities and ministries based on your interests and available time.

It’s your classroom and you’re building a community where the gospel is taught and Christ is served. You will be provided with the tools and educational resources you need to effectively teach in one of the local schools we work with.

For certain positions, a college degree, teaching experience, or teaching credentials will be required in the form of an education degree or certification.

If you’re a teacher who loves teaching students about Christ and providing educational support, we’ve got a place for you on the mission field. Join the ABWE team of educators in cross-cultural ministry. 

Is God calling you to use your skills on the mission field?


Assistant & Lunch/Recess Monitor

The Position Join the team at the Balkans S.T.E.A.M. School where you’ll minister to local children and their families through education. The Need The Balkans is ethnically diverse region with predominantly Muslim, Catholic and Orthodox beliefs. The land is rich with history, beauty and resources but the differences in religious beliefs have led to civil

Bible Academy Professor

The Position Our Bible school (Japan Bible Academy, an affiliate of The Master’s Academy International), located in the heart of Tokyo, is looking for qualified professors for our school. A qualified professor would need to have at least an M.Div from an accredited theologically conservative seminary, be able to sign off on our doctrinal statement


Chiang Rai International Christian School

CRICS is a fully-accredited, international school in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Every non-Thai teacher raises their salary to support themselves and is missionally focused. CRICS was originally opened to be a place where missionaries could send their children but has become a place for all families in Chiang Rai, providing opportunities to reach Thai families with the gospel.…

Live Global | Grace Ministry Center

As tensions in Haiti have grown, God gave Pastor Predestin the idea to expand his ministry impact into the Dominican Republic. The DR is is right "next door" to his primary ministry home, Haiti. Here in the Dominican, Pastor Predestin can safely train pastors, many of whom are Haitian.…

LG Nepal Girls Scholarship Fund

Everyday, young Nepali girls have their childhoods ripped away and stolen when they are trafficked into foreign lands and are forced into sex slavery. Research shows Nepal is especially lucrative to those trafficking underaged girls for sex work. What can be done to save these girls from the horror of human trafficking?…

Live Global | Sponsoring Kids for School (Middle East)

In many parts of the Middle East, kids experience harsh childhoods. Often, when families are short on money or have gone into debt, they will offer their children as workers instead of sending them to school. In many cases, children are at risk of working in the harsh conditions at a brick factory or doing hard physical labor of another kind.…

Village of Light Student Medical Expenses

The students at the Village of Light School for the Blind typically come from very poor families that have little, if anything to offer monetarily to make sure the children receive adequate medical care. Because the Village of Light is a boarding school, the students live on campus approximately 9 months out of the year.…

Bangladesh Access – Non-Formal Education

The non-formal education (NFE) program meets basic learning needs of disadvantaged children and empowers them to cope with life. “Light of Learning” teaching centers provide much more than reading, writing and arithmetic. Students learn and teach others through action games, songs, recitations, and drama.…

LG Ukraine Abramov Pastoral Training

Alex Abramov works among his own people in Ukraine, training them theologically to stand on the Word of God and mobilizing them to reach others in their country.…

LG Cuba Rhode

Rhode has a vision to train and mentor children’s ministry leaders in Cuba. She desires to see teachers and church leaders develop a greater love for God, a heart for children, maturity in Christ, integrity, and respect. As part of her ministry with Reaching Generations, Rhode develops a relationship with children’s ministry leaders and offers children’s ministry trainings.…

Live Global India, Heritage Baptist Ministries

Heritage Ministries desires to train Indian national students with a quality theological training so they can go out and serve the Lord in their local communities. Heritage Ministries currently leads Heritage Bible College and Seminary, and its graduates are involved in church plants, teaching in Bible Colleges and Christian schools.…

The Gambia Community Health Evangelism (CHE)

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) ministries are working to transform the well-being of rural communities in The Gambia through evangelism, discipleship, health education, health prevention, and community development. Our team applies CHE principles and lessons alongside our existing adult literacy ministry. There are CHE lessons that can apply to almost any skillset.…

Reaching Haitian Immigrants with Pastor Ramon

Pastor Ramon has been leading his church and other Dominican churches to be involved in God’s work in a very diverse and multifaceted way. Pastor Ramon states, “God’s work has many ways of expressing itself.” Pastor Ramon has a burden for the more than 2 million Haitian immigrants who are living in the Dominican Republic. …

Mango Christian School – Le Bon Berger

Le Bon Berger is an elementary school that exists to serve families in Mango, Togo, by sharing the love and truth of Christ in an educational setting. Students benefit from Christian teachers who have been trained and equipped to disciple students in excellent academics and Christlike character.…

Obed’s House Ministries

Obed’s House is located in General Santos City, Philippines and was founded in 2013. We are a 24/7 residential care facility accepting neglected children ages 5-12, and are currently housing 13 children. Our vision is for our children to be leaders for Christ-centered transformation in their community.…

I Learn to Live (ILTL)

Founded in 2010, I Learn to Live—Ngifundela Ukuphila is a non-profit organization focused on providing education opportunities to school children and youth in rural Zululand, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. We believe that children and youth in rural areas should be given an opportunity to create a meaningful life, in which they contribute towards their community and society at large.…

Litha Daycare Ministry

Pastor Andile and Hellen are invested in reaching, equipping and edifying the next generation of servant leaders in rural Africa through their day care ministry, Litha Daycare Center (LDC). Their investment into the lives of these rural children focuses on teaching English, an age-appropriate curriculum of math, science, reading, writing, life skills, etc. They…

Simanyene Residential Home

Simanyene Residential Home opened in 2019 as a full-time residential home for children and young adults with disabilities, who come from neglected homes or who are high risk and vulnerable. The home currently has 12 residents. ABWE missionaries, Wayne and Sue Royce, opened the home after noticing that some students who attended the Simanyene Center needed more care than was offered by the day program. …

Live Global | New Life Ministries with Georgey (India)

NLM is primarily committed to reaching out to the unreached in India, and all of its projects are with this sole objective in mind: “one more soul, one more tribe, one more village and one more church.”…

Live Global | Seminary and Theological Training with Diego (Brazil)

Diego is committed to investing in Brazilian students. Brazil is a large country, and Christ’s Church is thriving. Diego’s expectation is to see highly trained students and researchers (via partnerships with Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK) working in various seminaries and churches across the country as well as producing high quality theological writing for the Church.…

Zambia Ministries

Zambia is a new field for ABWE, opened through a partnership with Gospelink and Ambassador International University, and the Chifundo Rural Health Center that is located on the university’s beautiful campus outside of Chongwe, Zambia. The university’s four academic programs are each accredited by the Higher Education Authority of Zambia, and all share an emphasis in theology.…

Live Global | New Hope Nepal

New Hope Nepal supports community and uplifts the living standards of the poor, needy and vulnerable lives, giving them hope to look beyond this worldly materialistic livelihood. NHN prioritizes the moral values and behavior of all and shares God’s love with everyone.…

Live Global | Reaching the Next Generation with John Hangsing (India)

John Hangsing’s main passion for ministry is preaching and teaching of God’s word in culturally relevant ways. He also has a heart for Christian education, discipleship, mentorship, community-building especially within the young-adults and teenagers as well as seeing the need for youth pastors in his region in India.…

Durban Bible Training Scholarship

It is difficult here in Durban to find a sound Bible college. Now there is one opening in our area! A number of Zulu men and women desire to further their Bible knowledge. We need your help to send these future pastors, teachers, and counselors to Bible College.…

George Biblical Counseling

The INSPIRE George ministry team is using biblical counseling to build up the body of Christ and to share the gospel with those in the community. Funds are needed to furnish the counseling room and for ongoing operational expenses. …

Live Global | Victory International School

Victory International School serves children in Yangon, Myanmar as well as children in nearby disadvantaged communities by using education as a bridge for the gospel.  They have a vision to generate many educated people in Myanmar who have a good Biblical foundation so that their lives and testimonies will draw people to Christ. …

Bangladesh MCH Work – Diagnostic Services Education Fund

Memorial Christian Hospital Diagnostic Services Education Fund is training the next generation of professional Bangladeshi diagnostic technologists for Memorial Christian Hospital. Scholarships and no-interest loans are provided to help finance the education of Bangladeshis with the aim of meeting the diagnostic staffing needs of MCH.…

Christian International School (CIS)

Christian International School (CIS) in North Africa has been providing a quality KG-12 Christian education for more than 20 years—equipping students to impact their world for Christ and providing longevity to many Christian workers and tent-makers partnering with the local community.…

Santiago Christian Academy

Santiago Christian Academy (SCA) is a private Christian school, founded by ABWE in 1968 with the goal of providing a Christ-centered, English education of high standards for the missionary families of ABWE who are located in Santiago, Chile. In the initial years, the parents themselves were the teachers.…

Hospital of Hope Nursing School (Adopt A Student Nurse)

ABWE’s Togo Nursing Education Program has equipped more than 45 Togolese graduates with the nursing skills to meet patients’ physical needs, as well as the biblical foundation to meet their spiritual needs. Through the generosity of donors, the adoption program covers nursing students’ education expenses, translator salaries, textbooks, and supplies.…

Live Global | Hope International School with Lydia (Myanmar)

Hope International School has been impacting young minds for Christ in Myanmar since March 2015. International schools like Hope provide a unique opportunity to impact the community because they stand out in the crowd. Right now, Hope International School shares a building with Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, but Hope is praying fervently that the Lord would provide a new and larger school campus of their own, plus a school bus, as soon as possible!…