Ministry Focus
Theological Education
Theology is more than a required course at a Christian college—theology is life or death for a new church on the mission field. Worldwide, about 85 percent of the approximately 2.2 million evangelical churches are led by pastors with no formal theological education. In such environments, including many places where oral learning is the norm, a lack of a solid biblical foundation can open the door to prosperity heresy, syncretism, and outright apostasy.
Our Vision
To work with Christian leaders from around the world as partners on the stage of world missions in enhancing quality Theological Education.
What We Do
- Educate Christian Leaders
- Facilitate Curriculum Design
- Provide Faculty Development
- Train College Administrators
- Develop Web Based Resources for Educators
- Encourage International Collaboration
- Online Education and Educational Technology Tools
Use Your Passion for Theological Education on the Mission Field
We need people who are passionate about teaching the theological truths of the Bible to men and women who will lead others into true, saving faith in Jesus Christ—and in him alone.
Here’s what Pastor Keith Sova of South Church in Lansing, Mich. shared about his experience in short-term theological education:
“Training grassroots Christian workers in [country] was some of the most valuable time I have ever spent in ministry. Our ability to impact the kingdom through our own ministry is so limnited compared to investing in other who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2). Their zeal and commitment to the Lord, not to mention their access to places most Westerners would not be able to go, gives me great excitement about the potential fruit that the Lord will produce through the brothers and sister we worked with.”
If you love building up leaders and helping people go deeper in their relationship with God, then we have a place for you in one of our many ministry schools and partnerships throughout the world:
- Asia Biblical Theological Seminary in Thailand
- Goroka Baptist Bible College in Papua New Guinea
- Budiknon Fundamental Baptist Seminary in the Philippines
- Baptist Bible College of Bangladesh (BBCB), 2 locations in South Asia
- Baptist Academy of Theology in Africa in Ghana
- Cape Church Ministries Institute in South Africa
- Baptist Bible College of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
- Faculté Biblique du Togo
South America
- Baptist Theological Seminary of Lima in Peru
- Baptist Theological Seminary of Arequipa in Peru
- Church Planters Institute in Nicaragua
- Porto Alegre Bible Institute in Brazil
- Sao Paulo Logos Seminary in Brazil
- Baptist Bible Seminary in Chile
- Fairview Bible College in Jamaica
- Church Ministries Institute in Romania and Ukraine
- University Divitia Gratia in Moldova & Central Asia
If you are passionate about theology and training, we want to talk to you.
Is God calling you to use your skills on the mission field?
Bible Academy Professor
JapanThe Position Our Bible school (Japan Bible Academy, an affiliate of The Master’s Academy International), located in the heart of Tokyo, is looking for qualified professors for our school. A qualified professor would need to have at least an M.Div from an accredited theologically conservative seminary, be able to sign off on our doctrinal statement
Bible Teachers
UkraineBible School teachers needed for Ukrainian training center.
Bible/Seminary Professors
PeruOur team in Peru needs Bible College professors with a specialty or experience in Christian Education to join our faculty at the Baptist Theological Seminary.
Highview Baptist Theol Seminary – Arithung (India)
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Kingsview Sponsorship Program
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
RAU Uganda Ministry Operations
RAU (Reaching Africa’s Unreached) Uganda Ministry center is located in northern Uganda along the border of South Sudan.
The center teaches farming as a business as well as church leadership/pastoral training. It serves as a base for evangelism and community engagement through agriculture.…
Highview Baptist Theol Seminary – Arithung (India)
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
Kingsview Sponsorship Program
Great things are in progress on the mission field through this ministry! Our missionaries will be sharing more project details shortly and look forward to how you might get involved. If you need to get in touch immediately, let us know at info@abwe.org…
RAU Uganda Ministry Operations
RAU (Reaching Africa’s Unreached) Uganda Ministry center is located in northern Uganda along the border of South Sudan. The center teaches farming as a business as well as church leadership/pastoral training. It serves as a base for evangelism and community engagement through agriculture.…
Michael & April Davies
As Director of Missionary Aviation, Mike oversees all aspects of ABWE’s aviation program to ensure the organization’s aircraft are flown safely and efficiently on the mission field. Some of his responsibilities include recruiting qualified pilots and mechanics, resourcing flight and maintenance training for ABWE missionaries, and managing the organization’s aircraft. …
Support the Goroka Project (Papua New Guinea)
Tucked far away in the southwestern Pacific, Papua New Guinea and its 600 islands are often marked by a challenging mixture of tribal conflict, superficial forms of Christianity, and spirit worship—resulting in spiritual warfare and a weakened church. Ethnic strife and widespread violence have led to a culture that devalues life.…
Church Planting with Felix & Oana (Romania)
Felix and Oana are church planting in Bucharest, Romania. They are part of the young team working to grow the church and send others to the ends of the earth. Meet the Leaders: Felix and Oana Felix Tamaș is married to Oana and together they have two daughters.…
Missionary Training with Sergio and Becky
Both Sergio and Becky are second-generation missionaries! Sergio’s family has ministry roots in Paraguay and Chile. His parents are missionaries in Paraguay. Becky’s parents served in Ecuador and now in Argentina. They each responded to God’s call to ministry during their teens.…
Savannah Bible Institute
The Savannah Bible Institute project exists to train leaders for the church-planting ministry in Northern Togo. Our desire is to train leaders, strong in the Word, that will effectively lead churches, plant other churches, and launch missions movements in Northern Togo and beyond.…
Timothy & Leandra Hawes – Bible Clubs
Watch Video Reaching the nation of Papua New Guinea through Bible Clubs in the public schools. God graciously allowed us to reach our goal of 5k in 5 days in 2023 and once again in 2024. Our new goal for 2025 is 8k in five days by May of 2025.…
LG National Ministry Leader Training Initiatives
Live Global is endeavoring to respond to this need for training among national church leaders in several ways. The challenge is that many of these national pastors do not have the resources to gain the training they need and desire, so we are bringing the training to them.…
LG Ukraine Abramov Pastoral Training
Alex Abramov works among his own people in Ukraine, training them theologically to stand on the Word of God and mobilizing them to reach others in their country.…
Live Global India, Heritage Baptist Ministries
Heritage Ministries desires to train Indian national students with a quality theological training so they can go out and serve the Lord in their local communities. Heritage Ministries currently leads Heritage Bible College and Seminary, and its graduates are involved in church plants, teaching in Bible Colleges and Christian schools.…
Reaching Haitian Immigrants with Pastor Ramon
Pastor Ramon has been leading his church and other Dominican churches to be involved in God’s work in a very diverse and multifaceted way. Pastor Ramon states, “God’s work has many ways of expressing itself.” Pastor Ramon has a burden for the more than 2 million Haitian immigrants who are living in the Dominican Republic. …
Simbai Baptist Bible Institute
ABWE has worked with the Simbai Church for over 30 years. Today, ABWE no longer has missionaries living in Simbai. Graduates of GBBC have been able to start the Simbai Baptist Bible Institute. Please help support a church movement that is growing into a missions movement, comprised totally of Papua New Guineans. …
Japan Bible Academy Operations
Japan Bible Academy (JBA) is a theological institution that works closely with like-minded local churches to help them mature in Christ and provide them with the shepherds they need. JBA is accomplishing this through its annual preaching conference, seminars, and Lay Leadership Training classes, a two-year Expositor’s Training Program for those pursuing or engaged in pastoral or teaching leadership ministries, and book translation work.…
Timothy and Leandra Hawes – Carpentry and Welding
Many of the men in the village hardened by evil and fighting will not come to a church service, but come with enthusiasm to a carpentry or welding class. What a joy to share God’s work with these men in a non threatening environment that has opened the door for them to follow Christ and come to church with their families.…
Reaching the Islands with Pastor Angelo (The Philippines)
Pastor Angelo is the lead pastor of Boracay Grace Baptist Church in the Philippines. The church's mission is to fulfill Jesus' mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 to "Go and make disciples of all nations". Churches have been established in 3 isolated islands and they are endeavoring to reach the remaining 3 adjacent islands of Caluya: 1.…
Live Global | New Life Ministries with Georgey (India)
NLM is primarily committed to reaching out to the unreached in India, and all of its projects are with this sole objective in mind: “one more soul, one more tribe, one more village and one more church.”…
Live Global | Seminary and Theological Training with Diego (Brazil)
Diego is committed to investing in Brazilian students. Brazil is a large country, and Christ’s Church is thriving. Diego’s expectation is to see highly trained students and researchers (via partnerships with Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK) working in various seminaries and churches across the country as well as producing high quality theological writing for the Church.…
Zambia Ministries
Zambia is a new field for ABWE, opened through a partnership with Gospelink and Ambassador International University, and the Chifundo Rural Health Center that is located on the university’s beautiful campus outside of Chongwe, Zambia. The university’s four academic programs are each accredited by the Higher Education Authority of Zambia, and all share an emphasis in theology.…
Live Global | New Hope Nepal
New Hope Nepal supports community and uplifts the living standards of the poor, needy and vulnerable lives, giving them hope to look beyond this worldly materialistic livelihood. NHN prioritizes the moral values and behavior of all and shares God’s love with everyone.…
Live Global | Church Restoration Work with Pastor Arron (Trinidad and Tobago)
Pastor Arron and his wife Carrille are involved in school counseling and religious instruction in three primary schools, and open-air meetings and ministering at orphanages, group homes, and geriatric homes. They also run food and clothes drives for the needy. They preach the Gospel at children's church, Sunday school, and Bible club.…
Live Global | KCF Church Building Expansion Project (India)
Fifteen years after starting in a shed on borrowed ground, the ministry reaches out into a region home to over 14 million. God uses the India Church Network (called Kolkata Christian Fellowship) to minister to orphans, victims, unreached peoples, developing churches, and the suffering.…
Durban Bible Training Scholarship
It is difficult here in Durban to find a sound Bible college. Now there is one opening in our area! A number of Zulu men and women desire to further their Bible knowledge. We need your help to send these future pastors, teachers, and counselors to Bible College.…
George Biblical Counseling
The INSPIRE George ministry team is using biblical counseling to build up the body of Christ and to share the gospel with those in the community. Funds are needed to furnish the counseling room and for ongoing operational expenses. …
Live Global | GlaDios (Cuba)
A group of young men from Cuba began GlaDios out of their passion to reach the lost in their country for Christ. Their ministry name is a play-on-words in Spanish meaning something similar to "Gladiators for God." GlaDios has multiple ministry aspects including a Bible club, an orphanage, a missionary training center, and opportunities for youth and adults to serve on short-term missions trips across the country.…
Goroka Baptist Bible College | Scholarships
Many well qualified hard-working students at Goroka Baptist Bible College cannot afford tuition. We honor those who are willing to work for their fees. Each year we provide about $30,000 in work scholarships to help pay needy students. We have the work for students, but need funds to offer this work scholarship. We…
Bangladesh Theological Education | Pastoral Training Seminar (PTS)
PTS provides pastoral training seminars to pastors and church leaders who continue to upgrade their knowledge of the Bible and ministry skills. Each seminar has academic and inspirational components that enrich the participant’s life and ministry and provides much-needed fellowship in the work.…
Bangladesh Theological Education (BBCB) | Teaching Sites
BBCB is a Bible College located in South Asia with the primary purpose of theological education for developing reproducing national leaders. BBCB Teaching Sites offer courses via intensive, one-week modules to students without access to BBCB’s residential or commuter programs. …