Ministry Focus

Theological Education


Theology is more than a required course at a Christian college—theology is life or death for a new church on the mission field. Worldwide, about 85 percent of the approximately 2.2 million evangelical churches are led by pastors with no formal theological education. In such environments, including many places where oral learning is the norm, a lack of a solid biblical foundation can open the door to prosperity heresy, syncretism, and outright apostasy.

Our Vision

To work with Christian leaders from around the world as partners on the stage of world missions in enhancing quality Theological Education.

What We Do

  • Educate Christian Leaders
  • Facilitate Curriculum Design
  • Provide Faculty Development
  • Train College Administrators
  • Develop Web Based Resources for Educators
  • Encourage International Collaboration

Use Your Passion for Theological Education on the Mission Field

We need people who are passionate about teaching the theological truths of the Bible to men and women who will lead others into true, saving faith in Jesus Christ—and in him alone.

Here’s what Pastor Keith Sova of South Church in Lansing, Mich. shared about his experience in short-term theological education:

“Training grassroots Christian workers in [country] was some of the most valuable time I have ever spent in ministry. Our ability to impact the kingdom through our own ministry is so limnited compared to investing in other who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2). Their zeal and commitment to the Lord, not to mention their access to places most Westerners would not be able to go, gives me great excitement about the potential fruit that the Lord will produce through the brothers and sister we worked with.”

If you love building up leaders and helping people go deeper in their relationship with God, then we have a place for you in one of our many ministry schools and partnerships throughout the world:


  • Asia Biblical Theological Seminary in Thailand
  • Goroka Baptist Bible College in Papua New Guinea
  • Budiknon Fundamental Baptist Seminary in the Philippines
  • Baptist Bible College of Bangladesh (BBCB), 2 locations in South Asia


  • Baptist Academy of Theology in Africa in Ghana
  • Cape Church Ministries Institute in South Africa
  • Baptist Bible College of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
  • Faculté Biblique du Togo

South America

  • Baptist Theological Seminary of Lima in Peru
  • Baptist Theological Seminary of Arequipa in Peru
  • Church Planters Institute in Nicaragua
  • Porto Alegre Bible Institute in Brazil
  • Sao Paulo Logos Seminary in Brazil
  • Baptist Bible Seminary in Chile
  • Fairview Bible College in Jamaica


  • Church Ministries Institute in Romania and Ukraine
  • University Divitia Gratia in Moldova & Central Asia

If you are passionate about theology and training, we want to talk to you.


Is God calling you to use your skills on the mission field?

Opportunities with this Focus

Bible Academy Professor

The Position Our Bible school (Japan Bible Academy, an affiliate of The Master’s Academy International), located in the heart of Tokyo, is looking for qualified professors for our school. A qualified professor would need to have at least an M.Div from an accredited theologically conservative seminary, be able to sign off on our doctrinal statement

Bible/Seminary Professors

Our team in Peru needs Bible College professors with a specialty or experience in Christian Education to join our faculty at the Baptist Theological Seminary.

Church Planters

Serve as a church planter in Costa Rica and inspire residents to build communities defined by a personal relationship with Jesus.