Church Planting Internship


The Position


The Need

Students of the modern missions movement and ABWE missionaries in Italy know that lasting impact in Western Europe occurs through the prayers and dedicated service of variously gifted men and women over much time. Therefore, our team is strategizing not only its current ministries but also how to mobilize you into a future calling in partnership with us to nurture a church planting movement in Italy.

The Impact

  • Discover if missionary service is God’s best for you.
  • Receive mentoring from veteran missionaries on the field.
  • Ministries are conducted in the Italian language, so intern track applicants can expect to shadow veteran missionaries and pray with them, meet (though likely not converse with) Italian believers and unbelievers, and observe the realities of glocal (global + local) missionary service.
  • Short-Term, Associate, and Mid-Term track applicants begin to learn the Italian language and engage in an acquisition of the Italian culture. Their lengthier stay frees them to perceive the unique challenges of cross-cultural service in the context of a grassroots church planting movement. Gradually, they will begin to meet real needs on the team
  • Whether or not you later choose a long-term missions track, your experience with us in Italy will impact your worldview, contribute enthusiasm and knowledge to your local church and its missions program, and perhaps also prepare you for other ministries — even cross-cultural ones in the US to which God might call you.
  • If requested, the team will ensure that your time with them meets the requirements of your higher-learning institution for internship credits.

Not sure if you are a perfect fit?

You don't have to be! Learn how we can train you or tailor this need to suit your skills and passions.