“I'm self-funded and I want to serve alongside a missionary team.”
(More Than 1 Year)
The associate track is for people serving long-term or mid-term who have a clear calling to missionary work as part of a church-planting team, affirmed by their church, and meet the standard ABWE mid-term or long-term missionary requirements, but who need little or no financial support or employment status. This could include tentmakers, business as missions (BAM), itinerant theological educators, retirees, and more.
Importantly, we want you to know that we are here to serve your local church as they evaluate and affirm your calling and seek to commission you into the Lord’s harvest.
We'd love to get to know you and discuss how God is calling you.
Opportunities in this Track
Worship Leaders
GermanyWe need a worship leader in Germany to lead church worship services at ABWE church plants.
Theological Educators
South AsiaWe are looking for theological trainers to partner with South Asian believers through education and counseling opportunities.