A shot exploded through the night sky.
Honoré fell to the ground, a searing pain radiating from his leg.
Honoré, a Togolese farmer, was walking to his village after a day’s work in his field as darkness fell. Mistaking his movements for the rustles of an animal, a hunter fired upon him, the bullet shattering his tibia and nearly severing his right leg below the knee.
Honoré lay in the bush for a day before anyone heard his cries for help. A family member discovered him and transported him to his house, where the village witch doctor applied traditional remedies to his injuries. After two weeks, gangrene set in.
By the time Honoré was taken to Hôpital Baptiste Biblique (HBB), he was near death. Moved with compassion, the HBB staff operated, and God spared his life. Then, Honoré’s life was saved eternally when heard the gospel and embraced Christ during his hospitalization.
“He is able to smile despite having lost his leg because he now belongs to Jesus and has a sure and steadfast hope for all eternity,” said HBB surgeon Dr. Jack Kehl.
HBB provides medical and spiritual care to over 20,000 patients annually. By God’s grace and the generous contributions of nearly 1,100 donors, the HBB Vision Project was fully funded in 2023, paving the way for expansions that will double the in-patient capacity, provide new facilities, and upgrade hospital equipment. These expansions will also enable HBB to begin training African surgeons in January 2024.
“Our team is thankful for God’s provision for vital renovation and expansion at HBB,” said Jack. “We have no doubt that God is at work and trust that he will multiply our impact in southern Togo as we make disciples for the glory of Jesus Christ. This harvest field is plentiful, and our laborers are too few. We are praying to the Lord of the harvest.”